So, it sounds like my clown is trying to host with my leather. Since that is not gonna happen we decided to get an anemone for it to host with. Now the question becomes what kind do we get. we are little scared from what we have read about them stinging other corals and fish and such. A Quick rundown on what have is
115 lbs of live rock
1 umbrella leather
1 kenya tree coral
1 rock with mushrooms
2 rocks with button polyps
1 brittle star
1 orange star
1 psuedochromis
1 mandrin goby
1 maroon clown
2 emerald crabs
2 hermit crabs
20 or so snails
in a 55g tanks
any suggetions on what kinda anenome to get to host the clown?
115 lbs of live rock
1 umbrella leather
1 kenya tree coral
1 rock with mushrooms
2 rocks with button polyps
1 brittle star
1 orange star
1 psuedochromis
1 mandrin goby
1 maroon clown
2 emerald crabs
2 hermit crabs
20 or so snails
in a 55g tanks
any suggetions on what kinda anenome to get to host the clown?