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I've been trying to get this temperate system together for two years, that is a given. But now that I finally have all the pieces, including a 1/3 horsepower TECO SeaChill chiller (I'm in love with it, more than I ever dreamed of), I'm still behind schedule.

The problem is moving furtiture. I can't do it by myself, my apartment is way too chaotic right now for me to get my reef club buds in to help me, and my son works late or is out too much. I'm there with the movers coaster on the futon frame, but can't manage to pull the carpet out from under the frame while I'm moving it .... the rug's gotta go before the tank stand comes in, but I can't get the rug out without moving the furntiure, but where am I gonna put the furniture all by myself????

Okay, so it's coming down to buying a case of bear for my boy (he's legal, don't worry) so I can get him to round up a couple of his friends and get the living room set up for the new system.

Sheeesh, long stupid rant, but I'm so sick of looking at all the stuff in boxes and bags and the damn tank is still empty.


Oh yea.................I forgot to mention can we get some Eagle Rare to wash the beer down with??


A case of beer is cheap when compared with how schweet that tank is gonna be!


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Sorry, Dave, I didn't want anyone to see my trainwreck of an apartment. Here it is so far:


  • tank-filled-vert_72.jpg
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  • tank-filled-vert-2.jpg
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  • sweetchiller.jpg
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If you can't get people to help you rearrange, you can send me the chiller. :D


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Looking good. You are making better progress that I am. I hope to finish the wood work on my stand tomorrow.


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thanks people! Roberto, those are pieces of lace rock which I attached to the back glass with black aquarium sealant. I'm going to anchor macroalgae to them for the horses to hitch to.


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How do you like your chiller? is it quiet? was it easy to plumb? and how hard is it to service? (are there screens to clean or anything? do you have to backflush the coils or anything?)

looks like a nice chiller


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greenighs":2mnh82c4 said:
thanks people! Roberto, those are pieces of lace rock which I attached to the back glass with black aquarium sealant. I'm going to anchor macroalgae to them for the horses to hitch to.

Very nice touch! Can I steal that idea for later use?


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Lawdawg":3k5s8g2x said:
greenighs":3k5s8g2x said:
thanks people! Roberto, those are pieces of lace rock which I attached to the back glass with black aquarium sealant. I'm going to anchor macroalgae to them for the horses to hitch to.

Very nice touch! Can I steal that idea for later use?
Sure, feel free. You can even use live rock pieces, just scrub the end you're going to silicone and make sure it's dry. I'm using lace rock because I found a few small shelf-like pieces that were perfect, and since this system is temperate, live rock would be a waste. In a tropical system, rock shelves like this would be great for frags.


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I've seen it done for frags before, but it never occured to me to use it as hitching posts :D


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Nice, I must be chopped liver. She didnt even reply..... hmmmph! i am taking my ball and going home :P


Are you gonna use a skimmer in this setup?


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LA-Lawman":14b8wxmi said:

How do you like your chiller? is it quiet? was it easy to plumb? and how hard is it to service? (are there screens to clean or anything? do you have to backflush the coils or anything?)

looks like a nice chiller
LOVE the chiller. It's as quiet as a room fan or small window ac unit. In fact, when my son came in to check out the tank, he asked me if I had turned on the chiller yet. When I told him it was already running, he said, "You're sh**ing me!" :D

Thre is a screen that slides out from the bottom front of the unit, very easy to reach without moving the chiller. The plumbing was very simple, just slide the tubing onto the hose barbs and tighten the cuff around them. Don't know about back flushing the coils, sorry!


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LA-Lawman":24lemkrw said:
Nice, I must be chopped liver. She didnt even reply..... hmmmph! i am taking my ball and going home :P


Are you gonna use a skimmer in this setup?
Since this isn't a reef setup, but a temperate seagrass/macro tank for seahorses, I may not do the skimmer thing. I may, instead, run a canister filter for mechanical and chemical filtration weekly, overnight. If I can't keep the water quality hight enough like that, I can run the canister full time or put a CPR hang-on type skimmer off the right end of the sump. I want the pod population to be strong, though, so I was hoping to avoid skimming for as long as I can.


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Clare...I can come by:

1. During lunch one day this week
2. Next week after work.

Let me know...IM me

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