just to avoid any misunderstanding:
i do not disagree with your contention that your particular algae scrubber performs the way it does on your particular system
nor do i disagree with the possibility that it could be as beneficial to other system-for all i know-you may have designed the first one to do that good a job
i dislike the hype and hyperbole used to assert either those or similiar contentions as fact-when i first saw the thread title and began reading the beginning of the post i thought this was a shill for a commercial poster, heh
here's what i find exception to the most, and i'll illustrate with a simple theoretical argument/thought exercise:
most folks, afaik, don't run their skimmers very wet, and the wetter ones on smaller systems ( <75 gal ) might get 1/2 gal of water a day, while wet skimming (i really wet skim atm, on my nano, and i've maxed at about a gallon of skimmate/day after a very heavy night and day of cyclopeeze feeding for my corals)
this water was initially foam, that wouldn't have nearly the pod density in it that an algal mat would-pods lo-o-o-ove algal mats-provides huge surface area for food, shelter, and space to have lots of pod sex, heh
pods are always being born, and therefore always dying.at any given time, there will be more dead pods on the algal mat than in the skimmer foam (again, how many pods did you find in your skimmate? )
pods are organic material, and every time one dies, it polklutes (admittedly on a minute scale, but multiply that by millions over years, if not more)
a skimmer removes whatever it collects completely from the system, so:
we have a skimmer completely removing an organic sink (that will eventually become a pollutant) in relatively small amounts, and an algal 'pod motel'mat creating organic sinks (that will eventually become polluters) in higher numbers (try and mentally compare pod reproduction speed vs what could get trapped in a foam column/unit of time )
remember, pods are dying on that mat and decomposing/getting eaten in between your mat cleanings
from just the pod issue/contention you state/make,given the example i just posted above, i hope i've clarified the nature of the issues i have w/your post-it's not the entire content, mostly the delivery and 'pitch' (plus your use of personal anecdotal observation (which can be an invaluable tool when used correctly) as tested proven data