Don't sweat it.........try and enjoy and learn as you go. This hobby is hard enough even for the very experienced, I can't imagine what it is like for people still figuring it can be overwhelming at times. We all let the excitement and impatience get the best of us at times.This leveling thing is bothering that its bothering all of you guys i love and appreciate yall like family.
i cant even enjoy my tank anymore until i get this off my mind
AmenDon't sweat it.........try and enjoy and learn as you go. This hobby is hard enough even for the very experienced, I can't imagine what it is like for people still figuring it can be overwhelming at times. We all let the excitement and impatience get the best of us at times.
Level your tank stand and you should be good to go. It will be one less thing to worry about.
NiceeeeeeeHavent had many fatalities! Except a couple mollies and a sally lightfoot and my largest clown died he stopped eatin
5 anemones
4 Conchs
50+ Snails & Hermits
3 Fire shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded
5 clowns
Salfin tang
Purple tang
Pair of six lines
Pair of blue chromis
Pair of banggai cardinals
Pair of mollies
Court jester
Engineer goby
green spotted mandarin
Scooter blenny
3 green emeralds
5 corals - 2 i have no clue
Couldn’t have said it better ??Don't sweat it.........try and enjoy and learn as you go. This hobby is hard enough even for the very experienced, I can't imagine what it is like for people still figuring it can be overwhelming at times. We all let the excitement and impatience get the best of us at times.
Level your tank stand and you should be good to go. It will be one less thing to worry about.
LET THE PROCESS BEGINNNNNNNNMR Fam let the process begin