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I had mine done 2 years ago ..if your using oil based which is the best to use .be prepared for a very strong smell .I have my tank in the basement and I stood in the basement while it was done upstairs and I was very nervous.it stunk I had to almost leave but I couldn't leave the tank lol.. everything made it but I was shitting...maybe it's time for the upgrade buddy just another reason for it .
I had mine done 2 years ago ..if your using oil based which is the best to use .be prepared for a very strong smell .I have my tank in the basement and I stood in the basement while it was done upstairs and I was very nervous.it stunk I had to almost leave but I couldn't leave the tank lol.. everything made it but I was shitting...maybe it's time for the upgrade buddy just another reason for it .
i’ve heard oil is better
i also heard it’s a very strong smell
mine will be in the same room
still contemplating whether to upgrade and do floors at the same time
but it’s a huge project
Queens, NY
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If I recall from my old apartment floor job and research, water based stains and poly doesn't have noticeable odors. Even if there was, the 2 foot diameter floor fans they use should vent pretty well except for that last top coat, which is nice and shiny (needs to be dust free). I use polyacrylic for work working, it doesn't have odors. As for durability, I think water based poly needed twice as many coats to match oil based. (higher labor costs). I vaguely remember talking to the floor guy about it when he did the job and remember I was able to inspect it that same evening, (though I couldn't walk in).
If you do it, there's going to be saw dust all over the place.


Two Decade Club
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I had it done years ago and the tank didn’t miss a beat. Firstly it was done in the spring when the weather was warm, but not hot so all the windows were opened with fans constantly blowing in fresh air. The tank was covered with just the back open for ventilation. My filtration is down in my basement where I doubled up my carbon and changed it every day for a couple of days. Also with the room window opened with a fan. I also did a big water change after....and of course the spot underneath wasn’t done so I just upgraded with a larger tank over it...LOL

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