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Garnerville, NY
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Well today is pushing me closer to giving up on my 90g tank. Tank running for 14 months. LPs, and Zoas and a few mushrooms have been tried. Coral growth not existent and just Lost 2 more corals. A nice torch $$$ that I had for 6 months, and a green/pink frogspawn. They were there the other day now bases are empty. The toadstool is about to die as well, it’s shriveled up and twisted.

Began feeding reef roids a few weeks back.

I know it would take some time to hopefully get some nutrients in the tank but did not expect to start losing all the corals. The Zoas at the bottom of the tank look ok but the rest is not looking good.

Planning a large water change tomorrow. Debating where I went wrong on this tank. Besides purchasing allegedly top equipment. And going slow not adding or changing rapidly. Past tanks all succumbed to overwhelmed hair algae that resulted in tearing those tanks down.

Now The corals are not making it. The fish seem ok.

From other posts I do not see people waiting 2 years to add corals unless I am missing something. Even relatively easy to keep corals such as mushrooms and leathers are not making it.

Should just get rid of all the livestock/rock and start over? do a larger water change like 90%? Pack it in and put it on the curb? I am a really bad mood on this tank now.

Anyone know if there Is there a good tank service company in Rockland County to come look at this tank? Or even any experienced reefers willing to come look at this. I don’t know what to do..

PH 8.0
Ammon 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25
Phos 0.1
Mag 1275
Alk 6.7
CA 420
Temp 77

Apex Neptune, ph, orp, temp monitors and power brick
INKBIRD temp controller with dual heaters
Auto top off
4 stage RO/DI 100gpd
Eshopps Axium 160 skimmer
2 XR-15 lights
Kessil blue tuna light for the refiguim (not running)


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Would help if there were some pictures, what test kit are you using? is your RODI running at 0 TDS? usually if your getting tons of algae growth, its a result of tons of algae. I know this may not be the best place for help, so heres a discord link with tons of people who know what they are doing, one of the active ones is a marine biologist who may be able to help you a bit:

Dont give up though, alot of problems in this hobby can be solved or dealt with.


Experienced Reefer
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Your Alk seems low. It shouldn’t be a major problem unless you alway keep it at this level. Try raise it above 7.

What test kit do you have? and do you dose?


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This tank does have nuaciance algae. Past tanks have. This tank I have been very careful not to overdo it to overload the tank. Just nothing lasts.
Maybe don’t use reef roids for a while then as they are known to be “phosphates in a bottle”, also your po4 tests may not be accurate as the algae is soaking it up, that being said there is Problably something wrong with your parameters, I wouldn’t introduce any corals for now , check your pH, and keep us updated.

in my own experience reef flux and blackout for a couple days helps with algae.


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sorry for the typo, This tank does not have algae issues. Coraline has thrived but corals do not.

Ph was 8 on the kit when tested plus the probe
i honestly am starting to think it’s ur rodi system, but even then ur softies would survive, u got anymore information about tank history and if you got old live rock and such?


Advanced Reefer
Garnerville, NY
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It was all new LR that was cycled in the tank for 2 months. Never really seeded with pure LR. Zoas are hit or miss. LPS does not last. SPS frags do. Not make a few weeks.

The RO/DI still says 0 TDS. I use Red Sea Salt.

Pics are with a iPhone so pics are not great with the blue.


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Advanced Reefer
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Maybe there are toxins being leaked into your water from the leathers or from the rock, maybe try a large water change and run carbon for a while, where are you located? I can give you some easy softies to help u track if your good to go, such as xenia, and some zoas, just isolate them before they grow too much if they live.


Experienced Reefer
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I would do a 30-50% water change and add carbon. The dying corals are going to be part of the problem. Send out an ICP test. What do you use to test now? Your alk seems a little low. A water change should help. If not enough, I'd dose but the WC should be enough. Take a par reading. And stop playing with light settings. Corals can adjust. But HATE constant change in lighting/flow (or any change. Stability is key). Your phosphate also seems pretty high. Again, water change should help (if not, add some gfo).

I would start with a nice water change to help. Add carbon. Then send out an ICP to rule out parameters.while you wait for results, I'd rent a par meter. Check out if maybe you're cooking your corals. Softies and LPS don't need super high lighting. (I have mushrooms growing in shade). This should cover a majority of the basics. If none of these are the problems, check for more random things. Rust, Stray voltage, etc.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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None of the things you're looking at are likely to be the problem. You're having basic corals die, yet you have coraline?

I would stop feeding the tank immediately, if you have fish you can just feed the fish, but don't add any coral food or anything like that. Don't add ANY supplements or chemicals until you figure out the problem.

Do NOT do huge water changes because at this point you're just shocking the corals and it's not helping you figure out what the problem is.

1. Take some water to your LFS and have them test the salinity. Make sure it is exactly what you are measuring at home with your refractometer.

2. Do the Apex and heater's readings of temp match? If you are only using the Apex to check temp, get another measurement. You can use a cheapo tank thermometer from Petco, just to make sure you are in the same ballpark.

3. What is the skimmer doing?

4. Are you measuring pH with the Apex or something else? Get a second reading to confirm.

5. Check every piece of equipment in the tank for rust/damage. Those magnet scrapers, the pumps, everything. Make sure that the plastic is sealed on everything that is submersible.

6. Do you have a grounding probe installed on the tank?

Like I said before, this sort of system-failure is due to a BIG BASIC problem, not something in your advanced chemistry. I.E. Calc/Alk/Phos/Nitrate/Nitrite are not the problem if you've already done big water changes.

FYI, the torch and frogspawn can be a little more difficult to keep, the main problem you have is indicated by a dying toadstool, those things will live through a nuclear war so clearly there is something very big and basic that you are missing.

Do the above and report back! You can't give up now, let's find the problem.


Advanced Reefer
Garnerville, NY
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1. Take some water to your LFS and have them test the salinity. Make sure it is exactly what you are measuring at home with your refractometer.
Did this and it matches. Even bought calibration solution to confirm the refractometer is correct.
2. Do the Apex and heater's readings of temp match? If you are only using the Apex to check temp, get another measurement. You can use a cheapo tank thermometer from Petco, just to make sure you are in the same ballpark.
Apex and INKBIRD showing the same temps.
3. What is the skimmer doing?
Nasty smelly skimmate. Get about 1/2 to full collection cup full each week.
4. Are you measuring pH with the Apex or something else? Get a second reading to confirm.
Alex and used the API test kit and LFS checked
5. Check every piece of equipment in the tank for rust/damage. Those magnet scrapers, the pumps, everything. Make sure that the plastic is sealed on everything that is submersible.
Pulled the mag scrapers out of the tank. I’ll check the return pump.
6. Do you have a grounding probe installed on the tank?
No. .


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Where are you getting your top off and replacement saltwater? What salt are you using?

What other things are in the general vicinity of the tank? Any chemicals or smells?

How long has the tank been running? How long did you cycle the tank before adding corals?

Where did you get your live rock and sand?

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