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Advanced Reefer
Clifton, NJ
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I grabbed mine at the NJRC swap. I saved on shipping and a discount price...$2.49/lb if I remember correctly.
40 lbs of rock is alot of rock because you are not paying for the water weight. I got about 12 - 13 pieces of bigger size rock.

Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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I grabbed mine at the NJRC swap. I saved on shipping and a discount price...$2.49/lb if I remember correctly.
40 lbs of rock is alot of rock because you are not paying for the water weight. I got about 12 - 13 pieces of bigger size rock.

Thanks how much do you think shipping would be on that much rock??
Do you guys here that... It sounds like a Marco rocks GB is brewing lol...


Advanced Reefer
Off the farm...
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Marco Rocks are the best rocks I have ever purchased for aquascaping. I purchased a 25 lbs. box for my Nano Aquarium. If your interested in how it looks just take a look at my thread titled "Jasonanatal's JBJ 28 gallon Nano Cube HQI SPS Reef Aquarium". It took just about 2 weeks for my rock to cure so it is also safe to say in my personal opinion that your Filtration and Aquarium setup does have a role to play in the Curing time. I would rather purchase non cured personaly since the shipping is cheaper but that is just my personal opinion.


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He has Great Rock! I have about 1/2 in my 120 and you can't tell the difference once it colored up from the Live Kalini I spent over $300 for. LOL
Mocros Rock been selling AT the LIRA NERAC held at the atlantis Marine world in riverhead each year. Last yr he brought over 3 tons of the rock that you can pick over..
Like I said the stuff is Great and LIGHT !!!!


When is this held?

Do you need to have some live rock in with the Marco for it to be seeded?
If so, what proportions?


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Marco Rocks are the best rocks I have ever purchased for aquascaping. I purchased a 25 lbs. box for my Nano Aquarium. If your interested in how it looks just take a look at my thread titled "Jasonanatal's JBJ 28 gallon Nano Cube HQI SPS Reef Aquarium". It took just about 2 weeks for my rock to cure so it is also safe to say in my personal opinion that your Filtration and Aquarium setup does have a role to play in the Curing time. I would rather purchase non cured personaly since the shipping is cheaper but that is just my personal opinion.

Why would it be cheaper to purchase non-cured? I can understand live vs. dry as your paying for water but cured vs. noncured?


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it would be cheaper to purchase non cured rock because of the time it would take you to cure it rather than the seller having to cure it. they can just sell it to you without having to clean off the rocks of die off and stuff...i would guess that the sellers holding time/inventory space etc, would be held a lot less (greater turnover of rock) if just sold as uncured rather than having to cure it...

cured live rock would be rock that no longer needs to be cleaned of die off etc (should be considered safe to place into tank)

and non cured live rock would be rock that does require it be cleaned of die off etc. (NOT considered safe to place into tank)

Live rock vs Dry rock, your paying for the inhabitants and algae's that will survive after the curing process and the beneficial bacteria thats in the live rock. Your paying for the life on the rock where as paying for Dry rock you are paying for rock that is dead.
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Senior Member
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it would be cheaper to purchase non cured rock because of the time it would take you to cure it rather than the seller having to cure it. they can just sell it to you without having to clean off the rocks of die off and stuff...i would guess that the sellers holding time/inventory space etc, would be held a lot less (greater turnover of rock) if just sold as uncured rather than having to cure it...

cured live rock would be rock that no longer needs to be cleaned of die off etc (should be considered safe to place into tank)

and non cured live rock would be rock that does require it be cleaned of die off etc. (NOT considered safe to place into tank)

Live rock vs Dry rock, your paying for the inhabitants and algae's that will survive after the curing process and the beneficial bacteria thats in the live rock. Your paying for the life on the rock where as paying for Dry rock you are paying for rock that is dead.

I understand all that but I didnt understand why SHIPPING would be more expensive on cured vs. non-cured since they are both wet.


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shipping should not be more expensive on cured vs non cured rock. but it should be different vs dry rock.

Places like Tampabaysaltwater if i remember correctly, ship their live rock in water thus shipping may be more expensive vs rock that is not shipped in water.
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Cape Cod
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Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the kind words and for your support!

As stated we are expecting this new shipment any time now, but I don't have a firm date as yet. Hopefully everyone including the shipping companies will be back on a normal work schedule Wednesday or Thursday and I'll at least have a date if not the shipment it's self then.
I'll post back here as soon as I know, also anyone that has an order in will get an email when your shipping label is generated as well as when your box(es) scan into the UPS system.

Thanks again

Be safe tonight

Happy New Year


BTW I see a lot of questions getting asked and answered in this thread.

If there's anything you want a direct answer to please feel free to ask.

Also for shipping quotes there's no need to go into check out etc.
shipping cost calculator is in the right side bar in every page. Very simple :)
50# to the NY-NJ area normally runs about $14, for the pre orders it will calculate at a 25# rate for so additional savings.
anything over 200# to one address please contact me for a quote (I can get you a special rate)
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