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Ok guys due to malfunctioning plumbing supplied by fishtowns finest i am forced to move my family and my tank to a new place. there plumbing that i paid for over $300 to insure that this could never happen created a 20 gallion leak and some damage to a downstairs apartment. They did one hell of a job let me tell you. i would think twice about going to them for this if i was you.

anyway to the new problem at hand. wherever i go , i will have to take my tank with me. it is a 215 gallion. i have some livestock in fish, and live rock as well. i will need some assistance in doing this. i would rather ask my fellow reefers for assistance in the move. all the beer and pizza is offered when the move comes around probably by december 1st. i will get a ceg or two if there is enough people to help. i never thought this would happen but i was told that on this site they have a "emergency" thing to help fellow reefers. I really am need of bodies and most important as many 5 gallion buckets as you can bring and of course they will be returned. i am spending an arm and a leg for movers of my famileis furniture already.

i dont trust movers with my tank. i would rather rent a uhaul and do it myself. this whole thing has been a nightmare.

some people say i should sue fishtown but i really dont want to be bothered with that headache right now, right now i have to concentrate on my family

thanks if you can offer assistance in this time of emergency



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well i live in middle village queens by junioer valley park off of woodhaven blvd.
i will be moving locally . right now we are looking to stay in queens preferably the sam e are a due to the babay's school. if not then i am looking for a 3 bedroom apt. or house with a basement to put this in, in the event of this headache ever happening again


Rating - 100%
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Matt, sorry to hear that happened to you.

Moving is one of the more stressful things people have to go through, add a tank to that, well your going through it...

When you figure out where and when you are moving let us know.
I'm sure there will be a bunch of reefers to help you out.

One thing to do, if possible is to make up as much fresh water at the new site
ahead of time. you won't be able to save it all and this will make the set up go much quicker.

Good Luck with finding a new place.



Rating - 85.7%
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matt im in ,,,srry about the mess up ,,i can prob give you a hand on plumbing as well,,,,Look into get some water sensor that will shut off your pumps as so as they detect water ,,im sure they are out to the public ,,,again srry aboutthe mess up ,,also ,get yourself renters insurance ,,it will help pay for damages ,,
give me a heads up about 3 days or so ,so i can make myself free,,,Ronen ,,
oh yeah ,,not to be a pest ,,but try to get a house with a basement so if you do have a leak ,no magor problems or headaches from LL ,,LMK ,,,


Senior Member
Rating - 95%
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mat. im very sorry. i know what your feeling. my sump broke and went down 3 floors. thank god i own the house other wise i would be in your boat..



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Hey matt ,,,i want grey goose ,,,lol ,,make me work faster ,,only kidding ,,
by the time he has all of us helping him ,,,We might cave in the floor ,25 guys to help move ,that what ,,,,a min of 4250 lbs of ppl (at 170 lbs a person),,,,he might have a new prob with the Landlord :banghead:

or if we get enuff ppl he doesnt need to rent a van or truck we can make a chain right to his new house ,,, :p

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