those articles are both about the evo. the evo phone should still not be realeased. sprint rushed them to be made just to get a realease date around the htc incredible phone was realeased for compitition. the evo is a decent phone, but im not a fan.
all in all, to settle it, androids are great phones, and the iphone is good too. everyone will have their own personal sides on it. but what it comes down to is that i think the android marketplace deserves an app for mr.
Incredible has had some issues of it's own (screen sensitivity, bluetooth connection issues in cars, and something about the signal to name a few). i was just giving a few examples to make a point, just google "HTC Problems" and you will see plenty of proof over the years that support my statement "HTC and Motorola's track record is far from perfect."
The point is every phone manufacturers have issues. It is pretty stupid to criticize Apple when they ALL have issues.
It is weird that android fanboys take every chance they get to criticize the iPhone. I played with my sisters droid and thought it was pretty cool. But not cool enough to buy an android phone instead of another iPhone. But that is my personal preference.
Good luck with the MR android app. It's very similar to tapatalk and pictures don't always show up in the threads.