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fas917 said:
If I bring two frag bag, can I pick up two new bag from the pile :)

that's not going to work unless everyone brings two frags.
it's going to be much easier if we stick to the one frag per person.

if someone can figure out a system so you can trade more then one frag and be fair then post it.

your not limited to picking from the group that you brought.
I just hope it works out so everyone is happy with what they get to pick.
The plan might need some help. maybe bringing more than one type of coral is a good idea, what do you guys think.

by the way I'm combining this thread with the party thread so things stay condensed.


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Best way to do that is just make a # of frag allowed to entered in the pile ,and make up # tags 1,2,3,4..and give them out when the member gives in his/her frags ,
IE ,,
if the person give 3 frags ,they get a tag with that # 3 .so when its time for them to pick up from the bags ,you know how many to give ,this way no confustion


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That's a good idea. I will also suggest that you implement a numbering system along with how many frag bags they bring. ie if someone comes 1st and brings 2 frag bags, they will be given 1st chance to pick up their new frag bags. What do you think?


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it could be difficult to determaine who comes in, in what order at the party.
I would not worry about what order you chose from as no one will be picking, it will be grab bag style, don't look just pick.

if you all want to set up trades on the side that's fine, just no selling that's all we ask, and no fragging stuff from Sean's tanks :D

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