I have seen these debates before. This is about 6 years ago or so. VHO will replace MH. Well no it didn't, The new T8 will replace MH um no it didn't. Then there was what a T12 I think? same results. Now T5 will replace MH nope it didn't either. Leds will now replace MH, we will have to wait and see. The LED fixtures are so far from where they need to be to even be consider a full replacement. I love the concept and Idea behind them, but the knowledge and materials need to be improved. I see to many high priced as well as lower priced LEDs with burnt out banks and non working lights. Who wants to pay 700 for a small fixture just to have bulbs burn out that are supposed to last for 10,000 hours. I have a set of LEDs on one light and I think there are 2 left running the rest are burnt out. 5 months old and thats what the result is? The companies response, we will send you new bulbs at 5 dollars apiece, you will have to remove the old bulbs and solder the new ones in. What???? They really need to fix the problems before letting these fixtures out.