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in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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??Manhattan Reefs Spring Frag Swap 2012:fish:?

Sunday May 20th 2012

Pace University
Downtown Campus (Near Wall Street)
Student Union

One Pace Plaza
NY, NY 10038]
For GPS Directions you can also use:
41 Park Row

$25 Admission per person

Price includes catered lunch

Guest Speakers:

Gary Parr

How?d You Shoot That?

Your reef is thriving, the colors are beautiful, and you want some photos to share the fruits of your labor with friends and family. You break out the camera, fire off a few shots, and end up with blue, blurred, and distorted photos, half of which are ruined when the light from your flash unit reflected off of the aquarium glass. Frustration sets in and you ask the inevitable question: How do I get decent shots of my reef?

"How?d You Shoot That?" will show you what equipment you need and don't need, how to get the proper exposure, and what makes for good photo composition. You'll also learn how to photograph fish, get quality full-tank shots, and shoot corals, all of the way down to the feeding tentacles.

Gary Parr is a self-taught advanced-amateur photographer who "specializes" in close-up/macro photography of corals, flowers, and insects. To see some of his photography, browse the galleries at www.gparr.com. Gary has been keeping reef aquariums for more than 10 years and co-hosts, with Christine Williams, the weekly Reef Threads podcast at www.reefthreads.com. Shopping for your pet doesn't have to be expensive. Discover the Cheap As Chips Catalogue for affordable pet products that won't break the bank.

Joe Yaiullo

... and you think you have problems!

Nutrient control in a 20,000 gallon reef and why this matters to you.

Joe is the Curator of the Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center. Born and raised on Long Island, Joe graduated from Southampton College with a BS in
Marine Biology. After working at the New York Aquarium for 8 years (1987-1995), Joe left to pursue a dream of building an aquarium on Long Island. He was instrumental in designing, developing and building the Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center, in Riverhead, N.Y. which opened in June 2000. The Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center ?s exhibits include a 2,000 gallon clownfish/anemone tank, 120,000 gallon Shark Tank and, the focus of this talk---a 20,000 gallon Live Coral Tank, which
is one of the largest and most developed closed reef systems in the world.


Schedule Of Events:
10:00 AM - Door Open
11:00 AM - Speaker -Joe Yaiullo
12:00 & 12:30 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Fragging Demonstration
2:00 PM - Speaker - Gary Parr
3:00 PM - Fragging Demonstration
4:00 PM - Raffle
6:00 PM - Doors Close

Confirmed Vendors
Cherry Corals
Jason Fox Signature Corals
Pacific East Aquaculture
Coral Theory
Frags Unlimited
Ultra Corals & Fish
Aquatic Life Direct
Gotham Aquatics
Reefs Creation
Pieces of the Ocean
Puppy Center & Aquarium
Wingo LED
Two Little Fishies
Crazy Mad Corals
Sunshine Systems
Acan Lighting
Manhattan Aquariums
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