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i have a yellow coris wrasse in my 75 gallon, supposedly they are suppose to be peaceful but this jerk wont leave my new orangeback fairy wrasse alone, usually its a day or two of bullying but this guy wont let up. the fairy wrasse is still in good health and eats but is afraid to come out and swim in the open. will this eventually subside. or do i have to attempt to catch this yellow wrasse?


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i hate the aggressor always. there both nice fish, and theres plenty of room and plenty of hiding places for them. never had this issue and i have had all sorts of wrasses. and i just replaced the two i lost with these two and now its another problem. this hobby is irritating me lately.


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only a week, i figured id give him time to settle in and then i added the orangeback wrasse the following week that way there wasn't too long of an establishment for either wrasse. guess my thought process was wrong lol.


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I doubt the bullying will stop. The tank is too small, fairy wrasse will get wings and fly out one day...


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When I have aggression in a tank I feed more often, use those cling on stickers on the glass, and watch.. Each fish is different w it's own personality.. So far I have gotten lucky, I'm hoping it will continue.. I have a exquisite wrasse, solar wrasse and Xmas wrasses added in that order I plan to add several more..

I did have a yellow goby that killed a 7 inch sailfin no joke (made him stay in the corner, would attack him like a missile) I bought another sailfin And the same happened.. So I finally gave him to the lfs abd they didn't believe me.. O well

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