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Anyone got these?


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is that a true to life pic ,or is it PS ,,they look sweet if they are real

I never saw those before

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I e-mailed the seller of these corals and called them out on it. I asked if they would guarantee them to be the color they have in their add as the pics on zoaID have them as a different color. this was their reply,

"The ones on ebay were taken with a flash the color is darker like the ones on zoaid. They are the same."

I then replied to them.

"So why don't you show a pic of what they really look like? If I were to
those thinking they were these colors after reading "All Pictures Are
Misrepresented In Any Way, All Photos Were Taken Under 250 Watt 10,000
Metal Halide Along Side Of 110 Watt Super Actinic VHO Lighting."
and then to find out they were nowhere near those colors I wold be
upset. You are clearly misrepresenting these Zoanthids to be more
than they are."

I then got their reply

"David,I would not bid if I were you.Question - why would you email us saying we misrepresent our pieces?90% of our questions come in asking for flash photography on our frags.We thought why not try it out one time to see how it goes over. I guessNot so well due to the way you are talking to us. We have never doneanything to you! We are probably the nicest company on eBay when itcomes to coral. We usually always go back on our policy and grantcredit to customers that even leave there stuff on the door step allday. You go ahead and purchase something from the people that shut thedoor on your face and tell you to wait a few days to see how they aredoing, when they are clearly dead. Thanks for the emails and the not sokind words but we are going with what our loyal customers want, that’sputting up some flash pictures!"

To which I replied,"Does your add not say, "All Pictures Are Not Misrepresented In Any Way, All Photos Were Taken Under 250 Watt 10,000 K Metal Halide Along Side Of 110 Watt Super Actinic VHO Lighting." you are clearly representing these Zoanthids as being brighter than they actually are. I will give you this much, you were honest, when I asked about them. But how many people are bidding on them thinking "If I put these under the same lighting, I will have some very bright Fuchsia and Lime green Zoa's" only to find out they are really Dark oOrange and Bright Green. You may be great at customer service after the product is bought, but you clearly are misrepresenting the color of these corals. Show me where in your post on e-bay of these corals does it say the picture is taken with a flash."

I wonder if i will get another reply?

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The latest reply,

"I called my website designer he is a Photoshop master. I asked is there
any way I can remove the flash from a photo. End result is attached.
They do not look that much different. If they were under bright
lighting they would look great. Sorry if you feel you were
misrepresented; please do not bid on these items. By saying that they
are not misrepresented in any way means there is NO PHOTOSHOP ON THEM!
Meaning enhancements out side of a normal camera please do not dive into
this more than you need to. We say this because people add color and
make photos look nothing like the original that came from the camera to
the computer. We did not touch this photo in Photoshop so it is not
misrepresented. Get these zoanthids home and snap them with a flash on
your camera, which most people do use to get accurate photos of coral,
then you will see that these are the same as pictured.
They are not MISREPRESENTED, that would involve a program to enhance the


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The Saga continues. Do you want to see more of this? I don't want to nuisance and bore you guys with all the emails if you are not interested, I'm standing by my guns with this guy.

youre not boring anyone ,we are actually interested to see it a cool color zoa

Ihve seen 1000s of zoos pass my way and havent seen anything in that color yet ,so yup im curious to see more

BTW what type of lighting does he have the zoos in ,also can you ask him to take a full shot of the colony

Psycho graphic

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There is no picture attached to this e-mail. I would love for you to
me wrong, show me a pic without the flash. How can you remove the flash
a picture? Take one of the actuall Zoa not you desighers impression of
they look like without it.



Please, do not talk to me like that; I am just trying to help. Do you
mean "Your designers impression"? Our lights are off at the warehouse
and I am not going to drive there and turn everything on and wait until
they open then run back to give you a picture. David, when people try to
help sometimes they can not do exactly what you want at that minute so
they do there best to get some kind of information across. If you would
like tomorrow I will do just that take another picture. I am not trying
to scam anyone; you are starting arguments that do not need to be


I said nothing harsh to you in the last e-mail, I DO hope you prove me
wrong, but clearly we have 2 completely different looking pics here. I
certainly don't expect you to drive to the warehouse. I thought you were

where the tanks are. Sorry for the confusion. I know enough about photo

editing that you can't just remove the flash from a pic if the flash
the color, the best you would be able to do is the editors impression of

what they look like. Attached is your EoF's and the Eof's on ZoaId. Even
would have to admit these are not close in color. I would love to get an

actual pic from you tomorrow. I'm not starting arguments for no reason,
I am
sticking up for hobbiest who don't get what they pay for.


We should not get into a pissing contest, it's getting boring. Let me
get this straight your ground breaking information is from Zoaid, why
did I not see this earlier. HA, that is the biggest most photo edited
site in the world. There is not one photo on there that is not edited.
You think that is what they look like, in person. David David David...
I have worked with the most famous hobbyist in the world including my
good friend Julian. David, Zoaid is not for you to get accurate photos.
We only use the name because of hobbyist that look at that site and see
what they are looking for kind of get an idea. There is no reason why
you can not look at that site and get common names for reference. But
and this is a big giant BUT, people put these on there to brag about
what they have named, not discovered. They are soooooo photo edited. I
have been around more aquariums than you can imagine, traveled the world
and have done intern programs at various large aquariums across the
country, including Waikiki in Hawaii. David you are looking at a super
photo edited picture of the Emeralds on zoaid, you should know that you
are a photo master right! If I remember correctly they listed the
Slimmer Greens as Emeralds on fire as well, they are the same zoanthid,
just without the same editing practices. David, Zoaid is just a fun
site not an authentic representation of Zoanthus or Palythoa species.


I would agree that there are probably plenty of Photoshpped pics on ZoaID, but one thing makes no sense to me, if your pic in your e-bay add is true colors of this species, why in the world would someone edit the picture to make them less colorful? And as for Photo edited pics, e-bay sellers are the worst offenders of this practice I've ever seen. Now just because you are selling on e-bay does not mean YOU are doing this, but you have already told me these Zoa's look more like the ones on ZoaID. This is where the problem lies. There is a drastic difference in these two pics. If yours look like the pic you represented as true colors, why would you not guarantee them to be so upon arrival? I did ask this of you and you did not say yes. You then told me about people leaving packages on doorsteps for a day andyou still honored your Live Arrival Guarentee, why then would you not guarantee them being the color you have in your picture? Hopefully today you will send a pic and prove me wrong. The only problem with this is I have no proof that they actually ARE this color without buying them, and at this point, you,ve contradicted yourself more than once in our few e-mails. This is not said to be mean to you, it is how it is. Also, I never said I was "photo master" I simply said you cannot just remove the flash from a picture when it alters the colors of it. I guess the only wat to solve this would be to purchase these Zoanthids and see for myself.

I'm waiting for his reply

This is from a seperate series of e-mails, so it's not in order of the others

Emeralds on Fire Photo what it would look like without the flash.

I don?t know if it?s accurate, I do not know Photoshop that well.

( He enclosed a pic that was huge, looked the same and unfortunately, for some reason will not let me copy it. I find it funny he was able to make a representation of a coral that is at the warehouse when He "shopped" the pic. How can you tell the color is correct when you are not looking at it at the time?)

I'm sorry but you photoshopping your idea of them does nothing to clear
up. Send a pic of the actual Zoa and prove me wrong.

Like I said before, I will send one when I get to the shop tomorrow.

Photoshopping, that's a good one.

Dave, get some sleep I will send you a picture around 2 tomorrow.



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youre not boring anyone ,we are actually interested to see it a cool color zoa

Ihve seen 1000s of zoos pass my way and havent seen anything in that color yet ,so yup im curious to see more

BTW what type of lighting does he have the zoos in ,also can you ask him to take a full shot of the colony

I'll ask, but judging from the conversations, do you think I'll get an honest representation of these Zoa's?


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I forgot to answer about his lighting. this is what their add says,

"All Pictures Are Not Misrepresented In Any Way, All Photos Were Taken Under 250 Watt 10,000 K Metal Halide Along Side Of 110 Watt Super Actinic VHO Lighting."
''maybe he forgot to add that his camera is color blind :splitspin

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His final e-mail

You know what David, I just got up and the last thing I wanted was mean
email from you. I have NEVER contradicted myself, nor do I need to
AS BRIGHT WITH OUT THE FLASH? I can not prove you wrong due to I
already told you they are a little darker. I never said I would not
guarantee them if you are not happy with them. I would more than likely
send you something else in another package. We never guarantee color
due to people all over the US use lights that we do not. Some people
use regular Wall Mart bought lights for there tanks. That does not mean
just to make someone happy we will still not give them more stuff just
to help the situation. David, I don?t need to prove you wrong or
anything like that. We are done; you have insulted me more than anyone
I have ever talked via email. I can not take this anymore; you are not
being very nice. The last thing I will stand for is threats and such
via email. You must think I am some short nerdy guy that goes around
trying to make a quick buck. Boy have you got it wrong. All emails
previous and current will be saved. Do not bother sending any more they
will not be replied to. All emails will be saved! We will NOT be using
Flash as way to give an accurate picture anymore only to avoid people
like you. We are done, thanks for the ride David.

Am I nuts? Does anyone see where I threatened this guy?

After reading his replies do any of you see any contradictions from him?

Why would he not send me a picture as promised if they were as bright as he says they are?

Seriously, I want your opinion if I was wrong and if you think I was unsulting or threatening?
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