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i keep two qt tank running all the time because all my buddy use my qt as a hospital.
QT service isn't really possible or feasible because who will held responsible for fish that didn't make it out of qt. Not all fish will make it out of QT. Even if fish come out of quarantine. Fish still can be infected if put back into a compromised system.
Running qt tank is a lot of work. It require medication, water change, food and additional electric cost. Quarantine take a month. what price is reasonable?


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i keep two qt tank running all the time because all my buddy use my qt as a hospital.
QT service isn't really possible or feasible because who will held responsible for fish that didn't make it out of qt. Not all fish will make it out of QT.
Running qt tank is a lot of work. It require medication, water change, food and additional electric cost. Quarantine take a month. what price is reasonable?
Possibly have the person sign a waiver acknowledging that there's no guarantee of any kind. I dunno what would seem reasonable but I would pay for this service as opposed to setting up my own quarantine tank


Advanced Reefer
Spackenkill NY
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That's a good question. When purchasing a tang or all the fish in my tank for 3 months.
Try giving your request to TSMaquatics
Very reputable what they are doing and right in Jersey. You can pickup.

Bro I was just like you. Hated quarantine.
Now I got a 40 gallon breeder. One 30 dollar hob
One 30 dollar uv
One 30 powered
One 40 dollar heater.
One 40 dollar aquaeon glass lid

Setup for 5 weeks cycling. Then ordered a pair of clowns SA
Captive bred longfin healthy.
Watch them for a week. Easy first time fish. Very hardly.
Use copper power. Safest in industry
2.5ppm is actual dose.
I use 2ppm
Take 5 days to get to 2ppm
No ramp on a day.
Three weeks copper
Water change
2 days observation again
Them 7 day prazi
Last three days metro in food.
Watch another week then display.

You will enjoy it. Now I am enjoying quarantine more than actual display.
You connect on one on one level with fish. See it bond to you. First they are skittish then she gets used to you.
At 4 to 5 weeks she is your best friend.

Once you have put thru 4 fishes thru quarantine you will love it. If a fish dies in quarantine don't worry its fine
Actually better
If that fish made in your display you could loose thousands in your fish value. Forget the bond you have with those.

Start with hardy fish. I promise you will thank me. You will love raising caring and treating them.
Once in DT they know you on personal level. It's magical.

I was deterred by thought of fish dying in quarantine. I have lost 4 fish out of 40 I quarantined.
Don't be deterred. Repeat to yourself, dying in quarantine is better than nuking your tank.

If you love reef fishes, you will love one on one bond that practicing this will make.
And don't say space. If you have space for buckets, salt, pump etc. You can have a tank.
The procedure is not mine. Credit to Humblefish.

But I am glad I quarantine never been happier.
Just because I get to bond with that fish without distraction from other fishes.
Try it

I know I wrote a lot. But I have to share this experience when a hater of quarantine actually fell in love because of time spent with one fish. Then another, then another....


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Learn to Qt fish your self is best practice. Your fish lives depend on it. All fish from LFS have some kind of parasite or virus. Few fish that dodge the bullet once got lucky. He won’t be that lucky next time. Each time a new fish is added without qt is playing Russian roulette.
I didn’t qt my first in first year. Ich outbreak wipe out all my fish. I manage to save 4 of them. I started to qt ever since that time. After 3 Years those 4 are fish still with me today. Haven’t seen ich since I started QTing (knock on wood!). Do not want to do another fallow.

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