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120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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I wanted to put the feelers out to see if anyone is interested in a group buy for nassarius snails.

There's a distributor nearby me in Danbury who's prices are pretty good.

If enough people are interested I would buy a 300 pack so the price per snail will end up at $0.45 a piece.

I'm looking to keep about 50 for myself, so anyone else interested in jumping in?

I'm located in Norwalk and tend to be in White Plains a lot so I could meet you anywhere inbetween.


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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Thanks Wingo...but Bensonhurts would take me a significant amount of time to get to and between gas and tolls there's no savings for me.

Chong...I've got you down for 20.
Just need to find a few more people and we're on!


King of Mars
Cold Spring
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Yeah let me know what date you are looking @ I might be in for 20, I work in Tarrytown and a pick in White Plains would be great.

Thanks Joe


Advanced Reefer
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maybe we can do the ebay thing

DO you think ebayers might be interested?



120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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White Plains is no problem at all. If we can get enough people hopefully we can do this nice and early July. At 45 cents a pop you cant go wrong

Totals so far:
Craig = 50
Chong = 20
jtbones68=20 possibly

total= 110

190 more needed. Anyone else interested?

ebay isnt a great option cause of the costs of shipping. since everyone is local to white plains it's super convenient.


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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No prob. I can add the zoos to the order.

We're getting closer. More than halfway to the goal of 300.

Totals so far:
Craig = 50
Chong = 20
jtbones68=20 possibly
BreezeP= 50

total= 160


Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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WingoAgency said:
If you can pick up in NY, I can sell you 50 snails for $30.00

and if you really can get 300 pcs, I can matach their price as well.

Thats alittle on the $$$ side no? I can get 175 or more snails for around $18....


Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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I wish I had the GB capability but unfortunately right now i dont, as for the details its really no secret, havent put my order in just yet, but pm for details if you would like....:wink1:
Just remember your buying snails lol, which are ridiculousy cheap anyway...


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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Unfortionately that price is for Ilyanassa snails. The ones I want to order as a group buy are the nassarius vibex. I've got a half dozen of them in my tank and they are awesome! It's amazing to watch them as they swarm over a piece of food.

I'm out of town the 1st week of July, so hopefully we cn do the goup buy right when I get back.

Any more takers?

Reefman....just to confirm...I contacted the wholesale guy in danbury and he confirmed they are vibex just like http://www.etropicals.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=43&pCatId=1289
$0.45 versus this site's $1.20 plus shipping is a nice difference.


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
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chong...it's a reguler public website. some of the Reefers local to me in CT reccomended this guy for his quality products. I could use some snails but the store around me are charging over $2 a nassarius snail. Since the price drops as the quantity goes up I figure it' a good chance for everyone that needs snails to stock up. If you wanna order some other stuff from the site I can pick it up at the same time.

house....i've shot the guy an email to find out the approx size.
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