First part of this group buy will be to establish a brand of salt. I propose a poll to be open for a few days and majority wins. Once we figure out what brand we'll take it from there. If we can save on shipping, I may be willing to make a day trip to go pick up GB from vendor, if need be.
In the above posted poll are a list of eight potential salts. The following is a list of brand,size and sample prices from the internet (these are not the actual prices just an example.)
- Tropic Marin 200gallon 48.99
- Kent Sea Salt " 47.99
- Oceanic " 39.99
- SeaChem Reef 160 39.99
- Red Sea Salt 200 38.99
- Reef Crystal 160 37.99
- Instant Ocean " 33.99
- Coralife 150 31.99