Sorrie guys, i'm calling off for the group order because shipping is too high.
Total shipping is $83 + $10 packaging = $93 Shipping is too expensive, so i'll have to cancel the order, unless everyone is willing to take out $25 dollar for shipping. Don't think it's a good deal.
CRA00-21501 Cleaner Shrimp... Medium 10.99 ea $ 43.96
FWM00-00200 Rose Anemone... 3"-5" 34.99 ea $ 34.99
CRF00-01506 Peppermint Shrimp... 1ea/Bag 3.99 ea $ 7.98
CAM00-00312 Bubble Anemone... Large 29.99 ea $ 29.99
CPJ00-31210 Sun Polyps (Orange)... Large 29.00 ea $ 29.00
CDK00-30311 Yellow Leather (Fiji)... Large 39.00 ea $ 39.00
FGN00-00100 Neon Goby... 0.75"-1.25" 11.00 ea $ 22.00
FGM00-30713 Diamond Goby... (3''-4'') 14.99 ea $ 14.99
F4N00-10316 Percula Clown... (0.5''-1'') 5.99 ea $ 17.97
F4F00-20308 Percula (True) Clown... (1''-2'') 13.00 ea $ 52.00
CSF00-01000 Cerith Snail... 10 ea. 9.90 ea $ 9.90
Sub Total $ 301.78