I PMed him and explained to him that he owes you money as well as he has to pick up his zoo's. If you do not have the space to put the corals let ink know and im sure me or him will hold them for him until he gets back to us. I know ink is going to be picking my stuff up anyway.
ok - if ink could take them then that would be perfect- if he ends up not coming through (since I haven't heard from him) then I'm sure there will be a buyer on the forum...
Just to let you know- Fedex delivered to my building already- but no package...
I will call you later on to let you know if it arrives by the time we are supposed to meet.
I am not happy- I have not received a confirm number from the guy and no tracking number either...thought the paypal payment went through. I hope he just hasn't shipped it yet and it is coming tomorrow. There isn't a number on his site so I sent a message to him asking to call me. will let you know...
Ryan I just read the PM. Fedex usually delivers live goods in the morning before 10AM so im hoping it will be there tomorrow. If there is nothing tomorrow remind me and I will get in touch with ken. Im sure he will do right by us either way
wish they checked their email a little more often- I tried to switch to blue rics too. looks like they shipped this morning- so the order will come by tomorrow.
I am not sure what to do about it- can anyone do a pickup tomorrow? If not, I will try to hold the order in my tank, but I do not really have much space for anything....