JennM":ud38oo7p said:
50 certified Imperators - 2 die - oops the whole batch is "decertified" for what, 3 days? Will the exporter hang on to them for 3 more days and risk more dying? Nuh-uh - if the opportunity arises, he/she MIGHT be tempted to toss in one non-MAC (and possibly juiced) fish, and nobody's the wiser - 1 in 50 odds that that specimen will be the one picked IF that supplier is randomly selected for a CDT - I like to gamble, I'd play those odds, and I'd bet that I'd get away with it.
To hear the argument from the other side...
So the batch gets decertified... So what? They are still for sale, and if sold, fine... Whatever is left after three days gets 're-certified' and probably sold for a higher price again. Do you really think it is worth it to the exporter to scoop a fish out of another tank and plop it into the MAC one? For just few pisos??? They would never do this! They would loose money just from their time...
Does anything bother you about this argument?
Blame it on Rob Toonen- I'm applying a lesson from his talk: Be skeptical.
A: Absolutely yes.
Q: Why do I think it would happen?
A: Because they ostensibly paid more for the MAC fish, and the selling price for the MAC fish would be higher. If we assume a 10% cost difference, they are now looking at a 10% cut in their profit on every fish from that batch that they sold.
Not to mention that the importers might want 40 MAC fish to ship on Saturday, not next Wednesday. If it is the difference between making the shipment with what the customer wants vs. not making the shipment, guess what? The shipment will be made with what the customer wants. That is just business.
Q: Do I think this problem will run rampant?
A: No, probably not. But if a shipment of the fish has to be made, fish will get mixed if necessary.
Q: Do I think this is the end of the world?
A: No, I don't, as long as there is a CDT in place, and true random testing to ensure that this issue remains very small.
I have a question here: Is this level of mixing strong enough an issue to get your undies in a bunch? Or is it sort of like cheating on your taxes... everyone does a little bit?
To me, with a true random CDT in place, it seems like less of an issue than without a CDT in place.
Am curious to hear the thoughts of others on this.
Mike Kirda