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mkirda":2jw1nepc said:
MaryHM":2jw1nepc said:

With all due respect to everyone, this seemed to be an olive branch. They are hearing you, at least on the CDT. Now is the time to make any suggestions you may have as they will be heard.

Peter, I know you have a stake in this. You want to see it happen too. Now is the time as they will listen to you.

Mike Kirda

Peter I agree with Mile's comments. IMA has a stake in this.

Mary everyone who in any way can add their experience to make the CDT a reality and add suggestions to make it more effective.
We all know that this is the beginning and there will be bumps along the implementation road. With that knowledge can't we get on the same page here. We all have the same goal.


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mkirda":3ou8ewjx said:
PeterIMA":3ou8ewjx said:
The MAC lacks the expertise. So far, they have not provided any information to Reefs.org explaining what cyanide test method will be implemented, and who will do it.

Peter Rubec

John, someone from the MAC should call Peter.

Mike Kirda

Or someone from IMA should call MAC.

I have a suggestion here. How about coffee Tuesday morning MAC/IMA
Honolulu. I understand both organizations have offices in buildings across from each other. :wink:


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Exactly what "page" is it that I'm not on?? If it's the "Let's celebrate because MAC has saved the world" page, then sorry but I'm not ever going to be there. I'm sitting back with a cautious eye and will watch this unfold. Sorry, but I've been disappointed by MAC too many times in the past to get overenthusiac about this new turn of events. Show me real action and I'll start to believe. Until then, it's words and paper. Meaningless unless actually implemented.


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MaryHM":3rdmsg5l said:
Exactly what "page" is it that I'm not on?? If it's the "Let's celebrate because MAC has saved the world" page, then sorry but I'm not ever going to be there. I'm sitting back with a cautious eye and will watch this unfold. Sorry, but I've been disappointed by MAC too many times in the past to get overenthusiac about this new turn of events. Show me real action and I'll start to believe. Until then, it's words and paper. Meaningless unless actually implemented.

Hey, I'm OK with that :)


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MaryHM":3ng2mxtw said:

Can you get an explaination from David about why they have finally decided to go ahead with the IMA test they have been publicly denouncing as not credible for so long? What has changed? Is it credible now, or are they just desparate to get something into place to shut us all up? Has the test finally met all of the MAC criteria for a CDT??

Mary and all,

MAC Staff and directors are not experts on cyanide detection testing, nor do they claim to be. A committee of such experts will be formed to decide upon a reliable test methodology and its implementation.

EFM, CFH and HHT Annex 3
MAC Approved Chemical Detection Methods and Providers
The MAC Chemical Detection Methods (CDM) Committee will identify, approve, and periodically revise a list of credible, accurate, and reliable test methods for detecting chemicals that are suspected of being used in the collection and fishing of marine aquarium organisms. A MAC Approved CDM is only valid if verified by an International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) accredited laboratory.

John Brandt



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John, As far as the test used by IMA, it is accredited by the American Public Health Association (APHA) and affiliated agencies, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). I think they would be very surprised to be told that their accreditations are unacceptable.

Peter Rubec


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PeterIMA":3j3s0kmm said:
John, As far as the test used by IMA, it is accredited by the American Public Health Association (APHA) and affiliated agencies, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). I think they would be very surprised to be told that their accreditations are unacceptable.

Peter Rubec


Thank you. Your expertise in this field is greatly appreciated.

Your perpetual open hostility towards MAC is not appreciated.

John Brandt



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The MAC Chemical Detection Methods (CDM) Committee will identify, approve, and periodically revise a list of credible, accurate, and reliable test methods for detecting chemicals that are suspected of being used in the collection and fishing of marine aquarium organisms. A MAC Approved CDM is only valid if verified by an International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) accredited laboratory.

So MAC is going to form a committee which will identify and approve a reliable test method, then they will submit this method for ILAC approval? All of this is to be accomplished in a month?

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