Ad van Tage":3odzobbe said:The JOSEF STEIGER letter written one year ago [ January 07. 2003 ] is at: ... teiger.htm
When reading the TIM TESSIER answer, please remember/review what it says at Seacare's website... ... SCFAQ.html :
Seacare":3odzobbe said:Do you sell Cyanide caught fish?
We exclusively carry Cyanide Free fish from the Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Hawaii, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Brazil and Caribbean.
Our Philippine supplier has their fish randomly tested by the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources for the presence of Cyanide***.
We DO NOT import fish from Indonesia because Cyanide use there is rampant.
Yes, the fish maybe cheaper but when you have to buy them 3 or 4 times to get one that lives, the final cost to you and the reef is much greater.
It is a documented fact that 95% of Cyanide caught fish perish before they reach your aquarium.
How many more then slowly waste away and die in the next 3 to 6 weeks?
It is very sad that people still sell Cyanide caught fish due to business reasons.
If the Governments ban the import of wild caught corals and fish we have the cyanide stores and our own apathy to blame!
*** Their weblink to does not work.
It is not available. Not only that, a CDT test by BFAR is not either , I believe... 8O 8O 8O
Is Seacare, Inc. or Ltd. a MAC certified importer??? Or just a certification supporter???