JennM":3j7tkp6m said:
You didn't read what I said, Wayne.
The difference in attitude between Canadians and Americans (as I see it, and in my personal opinion!)
Canadians want and expect the government to care for them from cradle to grave.
Americans want the government to stay out of their business, and let them get on with it.
(oops did I say that?!) Jenn
That's a huge assumption on your part, Jenn! And a double whammy at that:
(as I see it, and in my personal opinion!)
Not only that, but what bearing do your assumptions have on a discussion of CDT testing HERE?
If anyone - regardless of citizenship and/or current physical location - makes a remark about the pros or cons of a particular "Industry behind the Hobby" situation, WHY would their
citizenship and/or current physical location make one bit of difference, and have to come up in the discussion,
UNLESS it is actually relevant?
A bit of good natured ribbing about who has the best beer [ And yes, Guinne$$$ is an "Irish" beer, although it is brewed in CANADA too... for the US!!! ]
is one thing... I'm all for some light-hearted threads, even with a pint of bitter thrown in...
But I for one, as a Canadian, AND as a resident of this great country find it galling to repeatedly read remarks about the socalled "socialist" Canadians.
Rest assured, WE,
in the
True White North , are about as
diverse as is possible.###
And I might quickly add, that I believe many of my American "Cousins", are in the same situation.
Just look around Jenn, and stop using platitudes and stereotypes!
It is bad enough to have Americans chew out with lines like:
"Your love for Socialism doesn't play all that well in the "land of the free and the home of the brave." ***
but to have
EXPATRIATE Canadians regurgitate much the same cudd - here - is particularly galling!
Surely WE don't want to end up with "Political Stars & Stripes / Nationalities behind the Hobby"?
I try to respect YOUR options, opinions and perspectives. Do US the courtesy and leave us ours!!!
Now let's get back to discussing what flies we can find in the MACointment,
or in any other alphabet soup for that matter,
PLEASE. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
~~ Ad aka Ecoworrier ~~
PS Jenn, I appreciate what you are trying to do in this fishy business; namely advocate a clean hobby, and sell clean product. Let's concentrate on that!
*** Tell that to the many many US (senior) citizens who buy their pills in CANADA... Yep etailing is big business in Manitoba...
### And we are so tolerant that we have everything from left-wing-nuts to Neo-Nazis in this country. And unless you have traveled from coast to coast, from Halifax to Vancouver, or the other way around, by road, by many routes, and many times, please do not try to "inform" US about who CANADIANs are!!!
and ... /index.asp
And "Mabel, Black Label!" is soooooooooo dated! Try some "Honey Brown", or "Warthog"