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vitz":betfaxaq said:
Kalkbreath":betfaxaq said:
mkirda":betfaxaq said:
Jeez, Kalk...

Can't you come up with *something* new?

The same old arguments strike me as just more reheated week-old meatloaf.
Unlike some people......I sea no need in re-inventing the truth!The truth is constant. :wink:

kalk, the only 'constant truth' i see here is your old fallback argument, that the existence of other problems in the way the oceans resources are treated, or the magnitude of 'our' collection screwups being smaller than a sister industry's, is justification for ignoring our own house's methods, and conditions

then when the fallacy of that reasoning is pointed out to you, you just can't admit that you're wrong, so you go back to throwin up the old smokescreens, even going so far as to misrepresent data, take it out of context, and even fail to apply known mathematics correctly

do you think you have any credibility left for other arguments/discussions here?

gotta say- i'd have far more respect for you as a person, if you were a big enough man to admit 'hey, i need the MO trade to continue anyway it can, and at nature's expense, if need be, because it's how i make a living'

at least then you'ld be an 'honest' fuzzy mathematician :?
So do you feel that Peters study and interpretation of the data is somehow correct? No one including you........... has yet to stand proud behind the study?


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So do you feel that Peters study and interpretation of the data is somehow correct? No one including you........... has yet to stand proud behind the study?

i think peter's study, like most, are mostly, irrelevant, for the issues at hand

it's an establish fact that cyanide kills corals-the source of your livelihood

that you see nothing wrong w/using a material that kills your very own livelihood, to make that livelihood, is cut clear proof to me that you are either insane, or collosally stupid (or- the world's biggest proponent of cognitive dissonance) :P

i'm painfully aware that you won't get that, or will just continue your track of self denial


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vitz":16oh81ab said:
So do you feel that Peters study and interpretation of the data is somehow correct? No one including you........... has yet to stand proud behind the study?

i think peter's study, like most, are mostly, irrelevant, for the issues at hand

it's an establish fact that cyanide kills corals-the source of your livelihood

that you see nothing wrong w/using a material that kills your very own livelihood, to make that livelihood, is cut clear proof to me that you are either insane, or collosally stupid (or- the world's biggest proponent of cognitive dissonance) :P

i'm painfully aware that you won't get that, or will just continue your track of self denial
There is a lot wrong with cyanide fishing.......One ,it kills huge sections of reefs and two...... our hobby is being unjustly blamed for it :wink:


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Kalkbreath":1o79t5pd said:
vitz":1o79t5pd said:
So do you feel that Peters study and interpretation of the data is somehow correct? No one including you........... has yet to stand proud behind the study?

i think peter's study, like most, are mostly, irrelevant, for the issues at hand

it's an establish fact that cyanide kills corals-the source of your livelihood

that you see nothing wrong w/using a material that kills your very own livelihood, to make that livelihood, is cut clear proof to me that you are either insane, or collosally stupid (or- the world's biggest proponent of cognitive dissonance) :P

i'm painfully aware that you won't get that, or will just continue your track of self denial
There is a lot wrong with cyanide fishing.......One ,it kills huge sections of reefs and two...... our hobby is being unjustly blamed for it :wink:

and 'round and 'round we go again.......

:roll: :?


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Yes, but each time you go around you loose another garment of your facade.....Are you prepared to be naked on the next go around? I am actually going somewhere with all of this and it ties everything together..............But be prepared to feel quite silly


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PeterIMA":11az0sg8 said:
Kalk, You already have been uncloaked. Lets here what you have to say... Then I can respond.

Fair enough.....I respect that you are calling me out and that you realize I really do have something to say.......give me an hour or so . :wink:

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