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Refuse to pay for the shipment and you won't be using that airline again. Refuse to pay the wholesaler, and you won't be buying from them again either. It's best to just follow procedure, and keep the lines of communication open all around, and preserve those good relationships that it takes so long to build.

Couldn't have said it better myself......Oh wait, I did :D

Do the airlines often exceed the IATA regs?

99% of the time, no. Most late shipments are still under IATA regs.


naesco":3f9pfa5h said:
Jenn I don't think the priority given to the deceased is funny at all.
It is a matter of tradition and respect. It was my experience as a baggageman for the CNR, priority was always given for the removal of a casket.

But you said all life is important. Why kill fish, for a dead person that can wait a few more hours. It's not like it's going to kill them ;)


GreshamH":11ghcfvr said:
naesco":11ghcfvr said:
Jenn I don't think the priority given to the deceased is funny at all.
It is a matter of tradition and respect. It was my experience as a baggageman for the CNR, priority was always given for the removal of a casket.

But you said all life is important. Why kill fish, for a dead person that can wait a few more hours. It's not like it's going to kill them ;)

heh i've never heard of a corpse gettin p.o.'d because he was late gettin into the ground :lol:

and i've never understood how a corpse, or mail, ended up getting priority status over a live animal :roll:

says alot about our priorities as a society, methinks :?


Bury me damnit, get me off this plane!

And how respectful of the dead to shove them into a freezing hold of a plane. Thats like tossing them in the trunk! If a corspe is so important, it should ride up top :D Personally, I think the whole funurel business is a scam and wrong. Couple grand for a box, that won't rot. A few more grand to pump to body full of a gnarly substance that will perserve the body and leach out into the local water table. Drop me into the sea, let the fishes eat me, just don't ask Scott Peterson to do it. I don't want my body washing ashore. I want to have my biomass returned to the cycle, not stuck in stasis under ground, preserved for future discovery.


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I want to be cremated and my ashes thrown into the concrete in a Reef Ball :)

"Please don't bury me, down in that cold cold ground...
I'd rather have them chop me up and pass me all around.

Throw my brain in a hurricane and the blind can have my eyes.
The deaf can have both my ears if they don't mind the size."

-- John Prine

Jenn :lol:


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GreshamH":3t6z8d0d said:
naesco":3t6z8d0d said:
Jenn I don't think the priority given to the deceased is funny at all.
It is a matter of tradition and respect. It was my experience as a baggageman for the CNR, priority was always given for the removal of a casket.

But you said all life is important. Why kill fish, for a dead person that can wait a few more hours. It's not like it's going to kill them ;)

It a difficult thing for you to understand. It is called respect.


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So if the airlines comply with IATA you have to
1. press for reduction of the 48 hour period.
2. transport the livestock so that it can easily withstand the 48 hour period.
3. outlaw the import of species that can't possibly meet the 48 period

It seems all of the above is within the responsibility of industry.

The airlines will not voluntarily improve unless
1. Industry presses for the hours reduction
2. Industry in all the major import centres, meets with the airlines involved and educates them about the killing done by poor practices and suggests ways and means to improve.

However like all reeform concerns, we all know that THIS industry will continue to do nothing because there is no problem. Right? :roll:


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And what makes you, a total outsider, think "industry" hasn't tried to tackle the IATA regs? FWIW, the AZA and a few others DID attempt to get that changed BUT we are nothing dollar wise for the airlines wayne. We're just a blip on the freight radar.

I think Reeform needs to talk our governer about his new Hummer named "Reform1". Maybe he'll take you serious, who knows.


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Wasting more resources on a dead person is respect? FOR WHAT?


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naesco":yedc4m5q said:
GreshamH":yedc4m5q said:
naesco":yedc4m5q said:
Jenn I don't think the priority given to the deceased is funny at all.
It is a matter of tradition and respect. It was my experience as a baggageman for the CNR, priority was always given for the removal of a casket.

But you said all life is important. Why kill fish, for a dead person that can wait a few more hours. It's not like it's going to kill them ;)

It a difficult thing for you to understand. It is called respect.

the dead earn more respect than the living :?: :!: :roll:


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so wayne, the champion of the herbivorous piscines, has less respect for his live charges than for cadavers ?

what gives ?

careful wayne, your hipocracy is showing :wink:


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vitz":r30xin6w said:
so wayne, the champion of the herbivorous piscines, has less respect for his live charges than for cadavers ?

what gives ?

careful wayne, your hipocracy is showing :wink:

So you have no respect for the dead either. Respect! It must be a Canadian thing than.

So, do you have any comments or suggestions on the subject of this thread and my most recent posts? Are you prepared to do something?


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Naesco always makes me remember 2 Peter 2:1 "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies.."


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naesco":7v3boqp2 said:
vitz":7v3boqp2 said:
so wayne, the champion of the herbivorous piscines, has less respect for his live charges than for cadavers ?

what gives ?

careful wayne, your hipocracy is showing :wink:

So you have no respect for the dead either. Respect! It must be a Canadian thing than.

So, do you have any comments or suggestions on the subject of this thread and my most recent posts? Are you prepared to do something?

i have more respect for the dead than i do for hypocrites :D


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Man what a can of worms I opened, simply by musing that funeral directors get preference over people picking up live cargo.... 8O

Just because somebody wants and expects timely service for picking up a time-sensitive shipment of living creatures, doesn't detract from their respect of the deceased, so why even compare the two?

Facts are facts - the deceased is just that... deceased. His/her condition will not worsen if the funeral director picking him/her up has to wait 20 more minutes or take his turn in the queue like everyone else picking up non-living cargo. However, the longer the fish, corals and inverts are in bags, the more likely they are to die, or suffer from shipping stress.

Let's not compare apples with bowling balls.



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JennM":2c2y6e9i said:
Man what a can of worms I opened, simply by musing that funeral directors get preference over people picking up live cargo.... 8O

Just because somebody wants and expects timely service for picking up a time-sensitive shipment of living creatures, doesn't detract from their respect of the deceased, so why even compare the two?

Facts are facts - the deceased is just that... deceased. His/her condition will not worsen if the funeral director picking him/her up has to wait 20 more minutes or take his turn in the queue like everyone else picking up non-living cargo. However, the longer the fish, corals and inverts are in bags, the more likely they are to die, or suffer from shipping stress.

Let's not compare apples with bowling balls.


What happened to respect, Jenn? Have you changed that much since you have been down there?


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First of all, Wayne, you don't know me, so please do not presume you know me, or my mind. Secondly, you never knew me before I moved to the U.S. so you have nothing to compare my attitudes and opinions, "then" and "now" or "here" or "there". Thirdly, my respect for the dead has absolutely NOTHING to do this. I made a simple remark about how dead shipments take priority over live ones. Since you insist on making this a point of contention, I'm going to risk making this post "sump" material and tell you how I really feel about it... so fasten your seat belt and put on your tinfoil hat.

My OPINION: A dead body is just that. It is no longer the "person" or "human being" or "loved one". It's simply the empty shell. The soul has long gone, and that's the part *I* care about, so the empty remains are just that. It will still be dead an hour from now, a month from now, a year from now. The individual's soul, I believe has gone on to a better (or worse!) place, so what happens to the remains is immaterial... TO ME. Respect is for the individual who occupied that body during his or her lifetime, and yes, the manner in which the remains are handled is important. However I don't believe they are more important than living beings. Pickup and delivery of human remains at an airport is not a ceremony, family is not present, it is a discreet and professionally performed part of moving a deceased from where he/she was when he passed, to where he/she intends to be put to rest. Nothing more, nothing less. Yeah, I pull over to the side of the road for a funeral procession, bless myself and say a silent prayer for the deceased. But at the airport, it is literally just another piece of cargo - but one that is handled with extreme care.

I also understand and respect that those remains are a means to the grieving process and closure to the people to whom the deceased was related to, or friends with. People view the remains, and say goodbye to their loved one. I get that. To that end, the remains should and ARE (as I mentioned several times) treated with care and respect so deserving, by the airlines, as I have witnessed it.

I still fail to see how my wanting to see live shipments given adequate priority to ensure that they STAY alive, in any way compromises the way an airline would deal with human remains, or how you think I feel about respect for the dead. I'm not suggesting that they drop kick the casket out of the way. I'm not suggesting that they relax their procedures on handling human remains. I'm not suggesting that they put the funeral director at the back of the queue. And, like I've said, I've even had occasion to ASSIST the funeral director and the airline staff to arrange the transport vehicle and move a casket into a hearse or a van. ALL done with care and dignity, thankyouverymuch - and I hope some day if I croak someplace far from home and I'm shipped home in a cargo hold, if the funeral director that picks up my sorry carcass gets a caring, helping hand if needed - even from a lowly LFS type.

Of course, Wayne if you'd ever been to the airport and seen the actual procedures for yourself you'd have a clue about what goes on.

Like I said, when I croak, cremate my sorry ass and stick my ashes in a Reef Ball. Then they'll just have to fly a little urn to the coast.



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JennM":1td4kfos said:
My OPINION: A dead body is just that. It is no longer the "person" or "human being" or "loved one". It's simply the empty shell. The soul has long gone, and that's the part *I* care about, so the empty remains are just that. It will still be dead an hour from now, a month from now, a year from now. The individual's soul, I believe has gone on to a better (or worse!) place, so what happens to the remains is immaterial.

Precisely and well said Jenn and I think we can both agree on where Naesco's soul is going.

- JT


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Actually, JT, I believe Wayne has good intentions, however, he's dreadfully ill-informed and woefully misguided. Sadly, he talks the talk without ever even attempting to walk the walk. He loves to pontificate about our livelihood without ever having spend a day working in the trade himself. Ah the life of an armchair quarterback... I've encouraged him on many occasions to spend some time working in the trade, so he can see for himself and speak with an informed voice, but alas, he declines, and yet continues to tell us what we should be doing....

Of course, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.... so perhaps you're on to something there ;)



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First off
Jenn .....after reading this, you are the bomb (best) in this thread imo
I did not realize how smart you were "at first" when I started reading this forum.

Naesco...what is wrong with you?I hate to be crude, and I like you, but I have to agree with everyone here.."get a clue" Please atleast try the business before you give advice.Try to help hobbyist's instead, imo

What do the dead care about respect for anyway, if they are in heaven where the streets are paved with gold and they are rap'n with Jesus and the rest of the gang anyway???????Jesus said himself ,let the dead bury the dead



RO is better than HBO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had good luck in the past with Delta" for the record "(my only hope with transhipments)

Also it should be note'd that perishable shipments have to be packed to withstand 72 hrs for insurance purposes

My only delay with Delta made me realize the importance of 1 on 1 relationships with counter workers at the air cargo office..they will even come in off hours for delayed shipments if you are really nice, in my experiance, a few green backs helps as well

mabey I just had a few 2 many micky's..I've been trying to keep my mouth shut till now :D

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