Well now that we've got all that out of our systems... I'm still waiting for an email back from TFO, and still eager to hear what Eric has to say. He left me wanting more answers...
Eric said:
All their fish are "housed"......quarantined, medicated, fed etc......so they really said the truth. I know what Jen meant, but they are a local Los Angeles company that pick their own fish very often....so you could say that all their livestock is housed vs. transhipped.
Ah but that was not my question. My question was:
I was wondering if you house your own specimens, or like Liveaquaria, do you have orders drop-shipped?
The key question is whether they house THEIR OWN SPECIMENS. Pretty simple question - do they keep their livestock for sale in their own facility, or do they have it drop-shipped from somebody else's. It's pretty hard to misconstrue that part of the question.
And if they know anything about others' practices in the industry, they also know what I meant in asking the question. For all they knew I was a potential customer, and I simply wanted to know if "my order" would have come from them directly, or someplace else. If they do indeed buy and tank all their stuff at their facility, then it would be an easy question to answer with the whole truth, to give a potential buyer confidence.
I did not identify myself as a potential buyer, so I did not misrepresent myself - I simply contacted them at the link provided and asked a question. Had they asked why I wanted to know - I'd have told them. My response to their statement back to me informed them about why I was asking - so if they choose to answer, we'll know, and if they don't, we'll know there's something to hide, right?
Of course they are housed, someplace, by someone - in this case SDC, per Eric's own statements.
Now by Eric's further statement, he's saying that they "come in and pick their own fish very often" so that could mean that they're picking the fish to return to their facility with, and ship out from there, or they could be picking out the fish that SDC will drop-ship for them. I suppose if they're picking their own orders, that saves a bit of manpower on SDC's part doesn't it? See, not answering a question fully leaves little minds like mine to wander around and ponder all the possibilities. I'm not alone either in my musings - you should read some of the PMs I've had
To clear the air would put the kibosh on further speculations, public and private, and leave people knowing where they stand, with knowledge to make the choices they can live with about how they react to it. To keep sidestepping the issue just makes people more wary. Nobody can compel you to answer these questions, but whether you do or don't, can speak for itself too.
Remember I didn't open that can of worms - I'm just fishing with the worms that fell out of the can
I didn't ask if they transshipped, nor have I ever accused any etailer of transshipping - so Eric brought that part of it into the discussion, not I, but read into it whatever you will and fire away.
It took 5 days to get a reply to my first inquiry to TFO, I wonder if/when they will address my second query? Glad I wasn't emailing about an order or whatnot...
Somebody else brought up a good point - albeit facaetiously (and by PM to me). They told me they should order from TFO for their LFS business - free shipping over $200, door to door and a 7 day guarantee. No more DOA/DAA to eat, no more airport runs... LOL! Pay a bit more for the specimens, but if you weighed the costs of DOA/DAA, air freight and fuel and time back and forth to the airport - heck that might be a good deal!! :lol: