spawner":2oucp1oz said:sdcfish":2oucp1oz said:There are two owners of Tropical Fish can call the number and find out if interested. I do know who the owners are, but I don't know if that information they would want posted... If anyone is suspecting this company is owned by couldn't be farther from the truth. We have seen what happens when wholesalers involve themselves with etailers and it's not a direction we would want to mess with.
I will mention this to their attention...I am sure they will appreciate the publicity.
Best regards....
sdcfish":2oucp1oz did happen on three orders....some mixup in the back. Not exactly a happy moment over here. I'm busted! clarify...those flyers were Acclimation sheets.....not a promotional ploy....but truly an honest boo boo.
I'm dense, so bear with me. If you don't deal with dropshippers or etailers. How do "their" flyers get in your boxes of fish? Are you dropshipping? These guys have there own holding facility? Buy off your stock list at wholesale prices [before or after stores get orders filled]. Are they jobbers filling retail orders weekly?
I wasn't the only one asking... so did Spawner. Spawner was the one who suggested that you'd made the claim you didn't deal with drop shippers or etailers - so please don't put words in my mouth. We aren't trying to tar and feather you - just asking clarity on *one* issue. You were the one who stated that "We have seen what happens when wholesalers involve themselves with etailers and it's not a direction we would want to mess with." Then you turn around and you acknowledge that you're selling to etailers and drop-shipping.
Now if your comment was meant to say, -We have seen what happens when wholesalers are proprietors of etail businesses and it's not a direction we would want to mess with- then that's another thing. It's hard to know the exact context of what you said because of the statement made immediately before that. Taken out of context, with what was said in later posts, I'm sure you can see how some folks may have seen that as carelessness with the truth
Nobody accused you of being an owner of TFO either, at least not that I saw. You were asked who owned it, and you replied to the poster to ask that of them himself. Must be a state secret or something
What I'm "after" in my pursuit of truth here has less to do with SDC than it does with TFO, and I've addressed my questions directly to them.
I contend that IF they are drop-shipping then they didn't answer my question completely truthfully, and that is misleading. If they'd come back with a reply like Race did (and he gets points for that, BTW) that a percentage is shipped from their own facility, and some are not - that would have been an honest answer.
Race's company was confronted on this and as far as I know there's disclosure on that now to would be buyers - at the very least it's common knowledge among informed hobbyists. I haven't looked for it myself, and it's likely in the fine print, but he's not out here denying it, so while I don't like the practice personally, at least he's being forthright about it.
With the TFO issue, I asked if specimens were drop shipped and I didn't get a clear answer. Now unless whomever answered my email, mistook "drop ship" for "drop-in", they skirted the question rather completely.
Nobody signed their name to the email either. That never bodes well when a business entity doesn't have a human with a name attached to it.
Owners names aren't on the website, nobody signs their name to an email - questions aren't answered either directly and possibly not 100% truthfully - since I haven't had a clear answer either way...
I do have another question for you though, Eric. You state emphatically that you don't allow "jobbers". Now by that I am going to assume that you mean people hired to peruse the wholesalers for premium items for third parties. How is it then, that TFO can come in to "pick their own fish" as you stated - doesn't that make them "jobbers" too?
I know that just about every wholesaler allows their retail customers to enter to select livestock - but by that definition, anybody who shows up to pick stuff is a "jobber" or a "cherry picker".
The only way *anybody* (not just SDC - even my own suppliers have their local customers come in to select stuff) could claim they don't have any cherry picking at all, would be if ONLY their warehouse staff were allowed to select livestock to fill orders. Honestly I don't know of any wholesale outfit that doesn't allow their customers in - so we can tar everybody with the same brush on that one - I find it funny that some (and not just SDC either - I'm not singling out anybody - making a blanket observation) that a few places boast about no cherry picking - but still they let customers come in to - cherry pick
I guess I'll sit tight to see if the mysterious folks at TFO answer my email.