bobimport":2qvpyys0 said:
When we switched to gel packs I got a call from some idiot that he had opened the gel pack and put it in his tank and what should he do?
Between that and the Raid... I don't think I can beat that.
Although today I had a woman come in who'd bought and used copper-based ich treatment in her FOWLR, even though the package said NOT to use it with live rock... :roll: They *always* find me *after* the're FUBAR....
I'd bet it never occurs to her that the the coffee is very hot in her McDonald's cup, even though there's a warning label on it...
I used to work for a couple who owned an LFS. One day the wife was dusting, using furniture polish. She was careful to take the dust cloth outside to spray the stuff on it. When she was dusting the cabinet and canopy of a tank, she noticed some algae on the inside glass. Without even thinking about it she opened the lid and used her dust cloth with Pledge on it, to wipe the algae. That wasn't all she 'wiped'....
The full-line pet store a few miles from here that shouldn't even be selling fish, has advised people to bleach their live rock, it's a great way to rid those pesky bristle worms (and everything else, including your fish!) :roll:
The same store - some years ago I broke my hydrometer and rather than drive across town to get one from work, I went to that store - since they sell marines, I assumed (wrongly) I could buy another one there. While I was there I saw a woman choosing her livestock - LTA doing the jelly-roll of death in a copper-treated tank, a nice butterfly that would likely eat the anemone... The sales clerk was called away on a phone call so I struck up a conversation with the customer and asked her about her tank. She pointed to a 55 on the sale floor - that was going to be her new tank. "You're buying all those fish right now?"... She explained that she was going to set the tank up that night and return the next day for all her fish. 8O 8O I asked her if she'd heard of the 'nitrogen cycle' and that it was a bad idea to do all that at once - rather cycle her tank with the few stark pieces of (bleached?) "live rock" she'd chosen, and wait a few weeks... then the sales clerk returned so I bowed out of the discussion. I overheard the customer ask the clerk about 'cycling' and the clerk said, "Oh some people do that but I didn't bother and all my fish lived." $5 says that tank ended up in the Thrifty Nickel within a few months...
The store had no hydrometers in stock - so I wonder how the customer was supposed to check her salinity before sending all those critters to their deaths?!
When I left that store, I think the vein in my forehead was close to rupturing. Places like that are bad for my health. It's still in business but it's had about 4 owners in the last 5 or 6 years.... I guess the puppy-mill dogs they sell keep them going.
Oh and recently I had a manufacturer's rep tell me about some other store she was in in south GA, and she saw a man asking to buy "guffies". She chuckled as the sales clerk kept saying, "guppies" but the man kept repeating, "guffies". After 20 minutes, the clerk bagged up the fish, rang up the customer and as he left, she told him to have a nice day and hoped he'd enjoy his "guffies!" They both nearly died laughing...
Yesterday I had a one-tooth-wonder come in and tell me about her fancy guffies... perhaps they're related....
Today I had a reading/pronunciation-challenged sort come in. In his defense he's been doing some research on the Internet, but sometimes a little knowledge can be dangerous. He wanted to know if he should buy an Imperior (Emperor) filter, to go with his Seaclone, or would he be better with 2 Imperiors on his 55? (I showed him a CPR BakPak, and told him the 'clone was junk). Then he told me he bought ergranite sand (aragonite). He also told me he wants to keep anememas (with friends like this, who needs enemas?) and polipolis (polyps). I finally got him straight on pronunciation of 'polyps' but I gave up on the imperior thing... even though I repeated the name of the filter a number of times, as well as "anemones"... Unfortunately most of his 'research' was done on that etailer's website - the one that's 'racing' to be the biggest... so God knows what he's going to end up buying - but it's always good to ask somebody who knows what they're doing before buying elsewhere :roll:
Every day we get at least one customer who just makes us shake our heads.
A friend of mine who has worked with the public for many years, once told me, "The masses are asses." She's right. Honestly there are so many just plain stupid people out there, it makes one wonder just how they manage to get through life? Definitely a lot of Darwin Award candidates out there.