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Long Island
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Being added to the raffle table....

Neptune Systems ATK kit
Avast Marine $25 gift card
Country Critters $50 gift cards
Coralife 16 gallon nano cube
Coralife LED lights
Pair of MACNA full conference tickets
Aquatic Life RO/DI filter
Reef Nutrition sample packs
Piscine Energetics food samplers
ESV Aquarium Products B-Ionic and salt mixes
MarcoRocks.com 50lb and 30lb boxes of rock
ReefWeeds hand painted print
Cobalt Aquatics pump and food

All raffle tickets are just $1 each!!


Senior Member
long island
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The swap is only a quarter mile from the Lindenhurst train station. Entrance to the swap will be the front left side doors of the school. There is plenty of parking.

Raffle prizes just added today on top of so many more. I hope to see everyone there

Reefbrite 48 Inch XHO, ReefBugs, 1 Aqua Viewer
Reef Rax will be donating 2 racks. Along with the two high end clowns
High Tide Coral $100 gift card.
Manhattan Aquariums $100 Livestock Gift Certificate
Long Island fishing scale $50 gift card as well as a coral care package.
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