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Recent content by ADS

  1. Best Protein Skimmer

    PM bullet 3 or MR3. Adam
  2. acropora and pc lighting???

    Keeping sps w/PC lighting can be challenging. Acroporas in general require more intense light(flow and feeding also will affect coloration). Montiporas are great corals to start with and will grow under PC lighting depending on the species. There are quite a few beautiful tanks with a variety of...
  3. cyanobactiria

    Increase flow to eliminate dead spaces and add phosban/rowaphos-see if that helps- Adam
  4. UV Sterilizer in a reef tank? Yay or nay?

    Some use them to keep away ich from their ich-prone fish. I know a few who swear by them. I use UV & ozone on my clam system. Adam
  5. Water Flow poor in 220Gallon

    Tunze stream is a great choice! Adam
  6. Bubble and Purple Algae

    Naso and sailfin tangs sometimes eat Valonia(bubble algae). A couple of small mithax crabs will also work. (Remove them as they get larger) Adam
  7. ballpark price for a commercial aquarium

    You can check Tenecor's website. I know they make 5ft diameter cylinders but ~10ft I'm not sure. The cost of the 5ft cylinders are very expensive ~10K I believe. You could look at fiberglass 1/2 circle tank w/ viewing panel(10ft wide). Up to 15ft diameter around 2500gal for ~8K.
  8. Red Sea Corals facing extinction...

    I was in the Red Sea in 1992. The corals looked awful then near egyptian coast. The fish were spectacular however. Adam
  9. Replacing 400w Iwasakis - What would you use??

    A recent TOM had similar size 300g+ and was running 2-400W Iwasaki and 2-400W radiums staggered. It was nice blend of coloration and Iwasaki made up for PAR losses of radiums. Radiums are noticably duller next to Iwasakis. With this setup you only have to replace 2 bulbs and ballasts. Adam
  10. devils finger

    I have one that initially was small ~3". Only opened at night without polyp extension under 250W MH. I moved it to the bottom of my display with 400WMH and it tripled in size and now has white polyps out all day. Give it time. Adam
  11. customsealife uv sterilizer

    You can still get the replacement bulbs for those units. Adam
  12. Not liking 10,000K MH bulbs

    Are you sure they are 10K German? Radiums(20K) are blue-ish and not as bright. It should say on bulb. AB 10K's are bright white. Adam
  13. setting up ph controller and calcium reactor

    The controller is to prevent excess CO2 from driving the tank pH down. If set at low end pH 8.0-8.1 it will shut off solenoid on CO2 tank and keep you in a safe range. Years ago I had a faulty regulator without controller that dropped my tank pH to 6.5. The corals and fish don't like that too...
  14. Fuge Lighting

    The LOA flood light at HD is 65W(=500W) w/ high output at 6500K. The hydroponics section on ebay sells Flourex 500W PC fixtures ~$40 supposedly 6500K also. Adam
  15. Removing centre brace on tank?

    Check the garf site on building tanks or you can do a search on tank building. Adam
