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Recent content by ccny

  1. Kalk and pH

    Thanks Len. I'd imagine it is entirely possible to neutralize kalk. As an extreme example, adding a pinch of kalk to a gallon container of vinegar will still leave you with acid vinegar. If you couldn't neutralize it, it would forever accept protons, etc. the more kalk one would use over...
  2. Kalk and pH

    uh...thanks... I've read some of these articles and I don't know if this comes from one of the ones you are referring to but: Quote: "By the way, the "stoichiometric" amount of Vinegar, i.e., that amount that provides the exact equivalent of enough CO2 to react all the Kalk powder to Calcium...
  3. Kalk and pH

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of using kalk and vinegar for a top of drip. Has anyone ever tried to measure the pH of the solution? Is it possible to add just the right amount of kalk to vinegar so it could get a pH of 8.2?
  4. stupid question

    I was thinking of getting seachem reef advantage calcium to do a drip. The only thing though is that it says the pH is not caustic. Does that mean I wouldn't have to use vinegar and this would be easier to use? Or is it better just to get true kalkwasser and make use of the vinegar?
  5. Diagram: Easy Surface skimmer/overflow for JBJ Nanocube

    Hwarang, any problems with snails climbing over the cutout that you made? Seems like they could easily get confused and sucked in, especially wandering nassa snails. Some sort of a clip on mesh would be perfect there.
  6. Yellow Polyps Dieing back

    yeah, i was also under the impression they were low light and easy and mine have been receding too. not only that, they've lost their beuatiful yellow color and are now sort of dull yellow with a hint of brown. this is even after i switched lighting to 70w mh at 6 inch depth for a month.
  7. feather duster slime

    yeah, sorry guys for the false alarm. i looked it up a bit more extensively and saw some pics and it does look like cyano. it just seemed so velvety and almost seductive that i though it was a secretion. i was probably overfeeding and i don't have a skimmer in my nanocube. oh well, i guess i...
  8. feather duster slime

    Sorry, I just cleaned it up yesterday after having come back from vacation. It was everywhere though. I'll try to get some pics and upload it when it returns. I might have some old pics of the tank but not sure if they concentrate on this red film.
  9. feather duster slime

    I got a feeather duster from LFS a few weeks ago and it seems to be doing ok. The only thing is, it secretes some kind of red film in sheets all over the place that almost looks like rose petals. It will sometimes cover the sand around it and the live rock. Is this normal or dangerous in some...
  10. feather duster questions

    actually, my duster broke up into 2 pieces lately. in one, the crown still comes out and looks good but the other piece just lays there and I'm not sure there's anything in it. is this how they reproduce or should i just remove the other piece?
  11. color changing goby

    I recently placed a yellow watchman goby in my 12 gal and naturally it was hiding away for the first couple of days. Newbie that I am though, I started getting worried that it died or got eaten by my gramma basslet. Then, one morning while the lights were off, I saw it in the front of the...
  12. shrimp attacking my feather duster

    just as a follow up, actually the duster plumes out nicely now and the shrimp no longer goes after it. definitely looks like a peppermint shrimp. the only thing is, i just bought my first coral, a rock with yellow polyps and the shrimp seems to like bugging that instead.
  13. shrimp attacking my feather duster

    does it matter that this is a nano? i guess this might mean that i'm not meant to keep feather dusters.
  14. shrimp attacking my feather duster

    Hi All, I just bought a small feather duster for my 12 gal nano and placed it in the front left corner area of my tank. Initially, it was opening its crown but then my peppermint shrimp started to come up to it and nip at it every time it opened and now it hasn't been coming back out for a day...
  15. dumb quesion about hermit crabs

    can you just buy any old shell? i'm not sure they're sold at my lfs.
