If the price increase were justified for reasons other than a certain few just wanting to line their pockets with more cash.
I think a price increase would also scare away some of the people in this hobby who purchase just because they can afford it and don't worry about actually health of...
Oh man... as bad as that was... I really feel sorry for the kid who's mother is upset her child actually wants to grow up having a respectable job.
"How dare Disney influence my child into a such a high paying profession, she'll grow up to be a coke fiend like the rest of her family."...
Thanks guys for looking! Congrats. to Steven Nickel from Houston for his winning submission!
MAAST.org has a new logo which will be unveiled on the new site design coming in a few weeks or so...
Thanks for your offer Jim. Unfortunately, seeing how the club is very young and funds are limited, being able to afford "professional" work isn't much of an option.
We've received several very nice submissions though and we're thankful to everyone willing to spend a little of their creativity...
Glad to see you've still been working on this project ReefVan. Having seen and read most all of the posts from the other threads at RC, i'd have to agree that there should be no harm in reinventing the wheel.
Keep up the good work! ;)
Looks like the early stages of cyano. Any redness on the sandbed yet? Either way you probably have an imbalance of excess nutrients. A little macro algae in the tank or fuge could help with that.
As long as we're on the meats subject... A friend of mine told me years back he had a friend who kept a rather friendly trigger. While over at his house.. he would often pull out pieces of ham from the sandwich he was eating and just toss it in the tank and the trigger would happily eat away...
I've got an AquaGlobe AQ-200# in my 7G nano + the penquin HOB pushing a little more and quite frankly I think I could use another 100-200GPH.
The AquaGlobe is smaller than the mini-jet and they have a 100GPH, 200GPH, and 300GPH model. Not sure of what stores carry them but Dave ESPI on...
I read something about either the AGA or Oceanic brands new design was going to be using a center overflow (I assume center back of the tank) as well as standard Durdo Mod's for the overflows.
That's about all I know and may not be entirely true so take it for what it's worth.
Hey Craig, MAAST has a few members who are *from* El Paso.... I don't think we have any who actually live there now though.... but you could be the first ;)
I've seen a few people on RC from El Paso... I go over there once a year or so as my g/f has family there. 8)