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Recent content by Delmarr

  1. 28 Gal established reef for sale cheap

    Sold Thanks all
  2. 28 Gal established reef for sale cheap

    Sale pending
  3. 28 Gal established reef for sale cheap

    few more pics
  4. 28 Gal established reef for sale cheap

    here are some pics water was a bit cloudy as snails picked today to spawn
  5. 28 Gal established reef for sale cheap

    Hello all: Love my tank but need the space. Looking to sell the whole set up equipment and live stock. Don't want to part it out so its priced to sell. Over $1,300 invested but you can have it all for $500. Everything is in great shape. Im including everything needed to run this tank...
  6. RSVP: Fall Swap - December 6th - PACE University Downtown

    Will walk ins be ok? or are we full. If walk ins are ok what is the cost at the door? Thanks Delmar
  7. cpr fuge skimmer making bubbles

    I just dealt with the same thing with my CPR aquafuge. Tried a bunch of stuff and nothing work. The bought CPR bubble eliminator and the bubbles are gone. Pisses me off though that I had to pay CPR more money to buy a peice of equipment to fix a disign issue with another peice of thier...
  8. Problems with Duncans

    Ill try and get some photos tomorrow. Honestly havn't tested in a while. I am assuming that as I have other corals that should be more sensitive then the duncans which are doing fine that all was well with water parameters. Yes, I know I shouldn't assume anything but I ran out of testing...
  9. Problems with Duncans

    Hello all: I have a problem that I have not been able to figure out. I have a 28gal BF Nano. 24x4 T5 HO lighting. Tunze 9002 skimmer. Med Aquafuge, Fluval 205 running carbon and phosban (no sponges) Corals include. 3 Acans, various hammers, Dendro, blasts, zoes, mushrooms, ricordea, 2 acros...
  10. SPS/Softies for sale

    Any sps frags still available? Delmarr
  11. Bubble issue with Aquafuge

  12. Bubble issue with Aquafuge

    Is that for the skimmer or the refugium. Ive seen mesh bails that go inside the CPR skimmer body but not that go over the exasut tube in the tank proper. Do you have a link to this mesh hat?
  13. Bubble issue with Aquafuge

    Hello all: I have a medium CPR Aquafuge on the back of my 28 BF reef. I use it as a fuge as well as a location for my Tunze 9002. It works great and seems to be perfect for my skimmer but I have a significant problem with bubbles come out the exaust which burst in the tank and coat my T5...
