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Recent content by diver0077

  1. AquaC Remora Problem

    i put the slime coat meds in the tank.
  2. AquaC Remora Problem

    I have an AquaC Remora with a Maxi-jet 1200 pump, it is about 4 months old. It has worked fine until now, although it is mainly green water and not dry foam. Now all of a sudden it is filling up the collection cup in about 1-2 hours, even after I adjusted it up more and more. Any ideas?
  3. Dying Brain Coral

    I got one that has turned rock hard, but it is still retaining it's color. I moved him up in the tank, but I don't know what else I can do.
  4. sea slugs?

    They are cool, but can be toxic if dead, or so I read.
  5. Aqua C Remora

    I got mine from Marine Depot, what's wrong with them?
  6. lighting question

    thanks for the reply, this site helps out a great deal.
  7. lighting question

    I was told by my LFS that 3 x 24 watt T-5 lights with reflectors was enough light for my 29 gal. tank, another LFS told me that this was not enough light. Even though the 1st one told me that the T-5 lights gave off more intense light, show I get rid of the 3 T-5's that I spent $140 just 3...
  8. Feather duster location

    I have mine in the live sand on the bottom and they seem to be doing fine.
  9. Ricordia mushrooms excreting something

    My ricordia mushrooms are excreting some white "spiderweb looking" stuff. Does anyone have any idea what this is?
  10. Wellsophyllia

    My Wellsophyllia has turned hard as a rock, it still retaining it's color though, does this mean it is dead, or infected or what?
  11. Adding a new clown

    I know that everyone says not to mix clowns, but I have 2 Ocellaris and 1 Clarkii clown and so far they seem to be getting along, but it has only been a few days, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I bought the Clarkii for my bubble tip anemone since the Ocellaris clowns did not take to him...
  12. Open Brain losing tissue - what do I do?

    mine turned hard and the color has dulled, does this mean that it is dead?
  13. soft tree coral losing "limbs"

    I have a soft tree coral and it has been losing some limbs, is there a reason for this? Everything else seems to be ok, except that my Grenorian has some green alage on it and has not been shooting out it's polps like it used to. All my reading are ok.
  14. Carbon in Reef tank?

  15. Carbon in Reef tank?

    The reason I questioned it is that some say that it would nullify any mineral additives. Is this true?
