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Recent content by dwall174

  1. Southdown sand for planted tank

    Thanks for the link Giancarlo!!! That brings up another question! What types of rocks are best to use for an African tank? I have a bunch of flagstone & bluestone that I have leftover from making a landscape border & I was thinking of & using some of that? Of course scrubbing & boiling it first...
  2. Southdown sand for planted tank

    Sounds good to me! :D I'm also a believer in letting a tank balance its self out! I have a 45 gal tank with angels & silver dollars that's going on 5 years with the same fish. It’s not what I would call a planted tank, However I buy a couple amazon swords for it every couple of months! Yea the...
  3. Southdown sand for planted tank

    Well the African Cichlids like a higher PH around 8.0 so that may not be a problem! Whats the fun of it if there's not a challenge! :) My main reason for using the SD besides the fact that I have it anyway! Is to help as a buffer for the higher PH the African Cichlids like? I have read that a...
  4. Damsel -

    Yea they are known to host in sereral types of anemones
  5. Southdown sand for planted tank

    I have about 100 lbs. of old Southdown sand from an old DSB set-up! I placed all the old SD in a spare 35 gal tank with just a small canister filter & kept the SG around 1.021 just to keep things alive! I don’t plan to re-use the SD for any more of my SW tanks. However I’m thinking of setting up...
  6. Amp Master 3000

    I have read that Amp Master is re-working their pumps! This is from their web site! This all sounds great! But how do we know when the pump was made? Is there a date or date code on the motor?
  7. 220v pumps

    OOPS the pic didn't show only the flow curve! if this one don't work just do a search on the "Sequence 750"
  8. 220v pumps

    I have been looking at the Sequence 750 mainly for a closed loop! As “Louey” stated it won’t help out that much on the electric coast! However 220-volt pumps will use ½ of the amps of a 120-volt pump. Amps create heat & the higher the Amps the more the heat is created. The higher the heat the...
  9. Damsel Tanks..anyone have one?

    That would be cool! 8) A couple friends of mine were diving several years ago & said that they came across a school of 4”~5” domino damsels that actually were picking at their wetsuits. They said it was neat to watch because they could tell the damsels were just trying to keep them out of their...
  10. 7th All Ohio Frag Swap

    Unless I set-up a temporary tank at my dads house it would be hard to bring anything! All I have that would be ready to go is some xenia & I'm sure everyone has lots of that. So I guess I will just bring some green pictures of deed presidents! Several Jacksons & maybe a Grant! :)
  11. Damsel Tanks..anyone have one?

    I have several extra tanks just laying around & was thinking of doing the same thing! I always liked the three spot domino damsels & I have read they will even host in some anemones? I had one several years ago that was a total pain in the @$$. I have a Fiji Blue devil that I had to remove...
  12. Best way for water change?

    Here's a better shot of my top-off & water change system!
  13. Best way for water change?

    The Brute trash container on wheels like comatose stated is the best for a portable set-up! My system is mounted into a wall so I have a lot of room behind it. I use a 20 gallon tank as a top-off & water change system.
  14. 7th All Ohio Frag Swap

    I live just north of Detroit! However my Dad lives about an hour or so from Columbus so I'm going to try & make it! :)
  15. Found a miracle cure for hair alge?

    I tried the Marine S.A.T. a little while ago & It did help. But no way like they claimed! I removed all the LR and scrubbed it with a stiff brush, Then I did a 50% water change before adding the S.A.T. I then left the lights off for two days.
