Been a while since I last posted to this thread. But thought you might all like to know that self fertilization is possible in these L.ambionesis, I have witnessed this first hand I recently purchased three such individuals from a local collector fresh from the wilds all three were carrying...
Not an easy one to identify any chance of a tissue sample to examine the sclerites under the scope???
From visual observation this coral comes under the family name of
without a tissue sample one is unable to positively identify this specimen
it could be either one of the following...
Hi There Everbody
Below i have created a poll thaat it would be muchly appreciated if you could all help me with I am currently in the process of setting up a saltwater delivery business in Australia, However answers from across the world would be of benefit to me. This is merely designed as a...
Just had an update as regards the smuggling of fish into melbourne, Apparently these fish are worth in excess of $1000 each here in Australia on the black market as they are not a permitted import. And yes the woman in concern is definetly to be charged
Sorry can't reveal the source but can...
I just don't get it how people from overseas countries have the ordasity to critise Australias quarintine laws. We have these laws for a reason Australia is an Isolated country Already we have so many introduced pests that have already taken a toll on our natural flora and fauna. If you think...
If you use a technique called striping which is is most commonly used in mouth brooding afican cichlids, just after a spawn you may be pleasantly suprised by the vast number of eggs that are actually there. While this is the technique that i have used on numerous occasions. I must warn you...
While it may appear to be the case that males do not feed whilist carrying a mouthfull of eggs they do slowly consume them. An average spawn of eggs is in excess of 1000 and in some other cardinal species as many as 3000 quite a large quanity of food for the male considering an average hatch...
There appears to be very little information on the larval stages of mouthbrooding cardinals. I would like to communicate with anyone who has done any work with the larval stages of this species and other similar species (By larval stages, (Development is probably a better word) while in the...
Hey there
Not to sure as to what species you are working with how ever i will assume that you are working with lysamata ambionesis. To tyhe best of my knowledge these shrimp are hermaphreditic meaning they have the ability to change there sex, However it seems quite bizarre that they should...
Hey There Saw This new Calcium reactor at my LFS manufactured by "AZOO" and was a bit puzzled as to it's effiency. Has anyone had anything to do with this product it was quite reasonbly priced at AUD$80 seems to good to be true
Hey There
Selcon can be a great enrichment for both roti's and artemia but personally i still prefer enrichment from algae> Have a look at Reed maricultures range of instant algae particularly isochrysis
generally we maintain our rotifers on live nanochloropis and enrich with isochrysis 1-2...
Can anybody help me in finding some details as to the breeding habits of these fish as best i know so far they are an mouthbrooder?
Anybody tried these guys before ???
Have a request for everybody who is breeding both percula and or oscellaris Clowns. We have a grow out time of approxiamately 5-6 months for percula and 7-8 months for oscellaris to reach a saleble size of 3.5 cm/ 1.5" suprisngly larval growth is faster in oscellaris up to 6weeks of age at...
I have a pair of parasema actively spawning on a regular basis, the egg mass are huge and they hatch on cue on the 5th evening. Survival is a fantasic 95% until day three until all are deceased. Unfortunately I am yet to find an acceptable first food organism for them, I am guessing that copepod...