I have two lettuce nudibranchs that have been making a lot of egg rings. I don't know what the right terms are here but anyhow- I noticed a few of the egg rings disappear and today I saw what I think are larvae moving around.
Does anyone know if these are in fact nudibranch larvae...
Do you have some pics you could share? I'm definetely interested about a few things you have. (Xenia definitely, bu not familiar with some of the other stuff you have)
I can't believe I found the eggs and they hatched the day I found them. Definitely no time to plan ahead! This morning, the ones left in the larger tank are gone but the ones I moved are still swimming around.
Oh boy! They hatched! I set upappreciated!hasn't been used in a long time so I'm definitely concerned about that. I took some of the fry and put them in there by transferring in a bowl. I'm going to go to the LFS and see if they have the green rotifer bags I saw online. I used the water from...
Ahh, No!!!! This is not what I wanted to hear!!!
Would they stand a better chance if I swapped the clownfish tanks? also, ive been reading and searching the site, where do i get rotifers? Or how can I set things up so when they have more eggs they stand a chance?
So my clownfish have been acting a little funny, and I have discovered EGGS! I saw something that looked strange attached to the underside of a rock tunnel near an anemone. I'd take a picture but can't with the angle.
So Please tell me- What do I do? I have two tanks. a 50g (that they are...