I guess i can describe them. brine shrimp body. although the end of the body there is a slight split. shrimp legs . there are very small to about the size of a adult brine shrimpl they sort swim or run on the glass. with an s motion. I have tons of them/ My two small clowns are eating them...
yeah mine took a powerhead as a host . he sleeps on top of it. its a normal for clownfish to sleep sideways toward the top of the tank. I have a 300gallon and a 100 gallon refugium . what s weird is I have 3 clown fish one female and two males. One of the males somehow jumped over into my...
thanks for the responses. I dont really know what they are. I do feel that they are brine. I also have mysis shrimp. maybe they are baby clowns but highly unlikely. I wish i could take a pic. Ive been looking at my tank closely and these shrimp are basically just everywhere taking over. I also...
I would go with an aqua C remora. Very simple . go with a good pump mag 9 I have this running on my 300gallon sytem. Also have a knop on the outside of my tank. here is a pic. Ive had this skimmer for 5years now. still works. I just change out the RIO pump. I know should stay away from Rio. I...
. My 300 gallon tank consist of about 12 fish. Mostly giant tangs and clownfish. two large Angels also. Ive had my current set-up for about 8 months now. I was feeding my fish live brine shrimp a few months ago. Now I have colonies of brine shrimp living and breeding in my main tank. I know...
Thanks for the responses. I think im going to put in a solar system on my roof. Im not sure if I will need a chiller. last year I had my 100gallon and ran two large fans on the tank. I probaly will do the same. In summer I will not run heaters. My MH lights will heat up the water enough. I...
I have a 100 gallon sump. with 60lbs of live sand. this sand is 5yrs worth of stuff. I also have a large culture of caulepra . I have thousands of pods and worms as well. feather dusters. this is part of my 300gallon main tank. I also
use a skimmer . I have gone skimmerless for a about two...
you might want to hold off on changing the cannister filter. it wouldnt hurt using some high quality carbon and putting it in a nylon sock. and placing in a med flow area in your tank.. skim wait for 24 hours should settle down and maybe add more rock or get a small over the back micro fuge...
you could do a small water change. make sure the temp and salinity are the same. you need to get a salifert test kit. ph should be 8- 8.2 your ok. how does your corralline growth look like?
I live in Southern california and yes my heaters are set to 82-- its been in the 40-50 s out here . My tank is in the garage. Ive turned down the light cycle . Ive also installed PC light bulbs throughout the house.
I would plumb with 1inch flexible pvc . it works great and you will be able to get away with less 90 degree elbows... i have hard line s and hard pipe as well
I would love to replace the mags. but they are in sump pumps. my sump is a 100gallon glass tank. not drilled. any in-sump pumps using less wattage? I followed the thread on only 3hours of light. Im going to dial down my light. To one hour less on each light. This should help me out/...