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Recent content by Inked777

  1. Sohal Tang for sale (medium/large)

    I see this is a older post but do you still have the sohal?
  2. President Sales

    Good afternoon what's the current price of the sohal tangs?
  3. SOLD-Hippo Tang

    I'm interested where are you located?
  4. Wtb Large fish

    I see this is an older post but is the wrasse a available?
  5. Selling 75 gal tank and other accessories

    I see this is an old post is the fish available? Also I am sorry for your loss.
  6. Free Fish

    I see this is an old post but did he ever find a home? Lol
  7. Free For newbies to sps only

    Would love to try to add something new to the tank got I to the hobby 3 years ago only really did torches and frogspawns.
  8. Rainbow anemones keep splitting

    Hey you available right now I can pass by now
  9. *Trade* Rainbow anemone and leather

    Would you consider selling it skull and all? I could be interested I have some tomato clowns that can host it
  10. Rainbow anemones keep splitting

    Can I pick up tomorrow ? 718-313-4960 text me we can set up a time
  11. Rainbow anemones keep splitting

    Can I pick up tomorrow ? I am in canarsie
  12. Rainbow anemones keep splitting

    Definitly interesting in picking some up let me know bud..
