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Recent content by Joew

  1. Bluefin Damselfish

    Damsels are the tool of da'debil!!!!
  2. IRC Chat...

    It's not that bad :D :D _________________ economic recession in us
  3. IRC Chat...

    Exactly, most of the time you can get a answer from someone. And the more people we get back on the train the more will be available to help. ME _________________ grand daddy purple seeds

    Len....Stop lying...You don't own a tank... Regards, Me :D _________________ Honda VT series
  5. IRC Chat...

    Hello fellow reefers.... I'd like to point your attention to a least used aspect of RDO, but one that can help you just as much as the forums themselves, the IRC service that is provided. It's simple, our IRC channel is dying a slow death these days. We need your help, when i joined this...
  6. How long do you run MH a day?

    Most people run around 8 hrs. Joe _________________ Bankruptcy Forums
  7. My new Horseshoe crab

    Yeah, i agree with my esteemed colleague, bring it back. joe w _________________ The Hills Forum
  8. My First Reef Tank =)

    I would consider a 33g cube, great size and dimensions for a starter. You wont have to upgrade any time soon. You can do alot in terms rock structure etc... Regards, Joe W _________________ Honda Trailsport
  9. Sorry for the down time

    Len had to take a break from the ten speed that runs the servers power. HE kept complaining of cramps :) jOE w _________________ Chevy Wiki
  10. Clumping Sand and algae problems

    His sand is suffering from compaction, not algae...Common to sand beds that don't get turned over. On the algae can be from numerous things...Need to find the nutrient source. High Phosphates -Water...using LFS water or own RO/DI , if own needs to get a TDS meter. Detritus buildup -...
  11. Happy news! My regal is eating

    If there's no body no crime :D Joe W _________________ Honda CT90
  12. Happy news! My regal is eating

    If there's no body no crime :D Joe W _________________ college grants
  13. my ideas for a 20g

    First off, in your fuge...Pick the right macroalgae...Only one is trusted Chaetomorpha, aka Chaeto. Never use Caulerpa, it's basically a timebomb waiting to go off. Chaeto will not go apesh*t and bomb your tank with a release. Second thing, when running a fuge. Lighting schedule should be...
  14. Sounds like a LFS challenge (east coast)

    Doesn't this post go against forums rules? Joe W _________________ Honda SH150i
  15. a few questions plz

    X.....Be careful bud, read the reviews...People have had hit and miss with Glasscages. Sometimes pretty shoddy workmanship... Joe W Look into http://www.aquariumobsessed.com/ as well... _________________ Insurance Discussion
