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Recent content by Kaz289

  1. Equipment setups: show em off

  2. Little Help

    Went into my basement and I hear my return pump screaming, something is wrong and need a new 1 or new 2 me. if anyone in north Nj has an external pump lying around in there basement Pm me I am running an Iwaki 40RLT Specifications: Input: 3/4" Output: 3/4" 4'Head Flow Rate: 750GPH i'm looking...
  3. FT: 5head acan [NNJ]

    Interested, in Ridgefield Park
  4. Happy Birthday Marines

  5. Modern warfare 3

    Games legit. They out did themselves again.
  6. is it okay to use tap water to rinse my tank?

    ^ would= wouldn't
  7. is it okay to use tap water to rinse my tank?

    Tap water is fine, u can use a conditioner if u have it laying around as an added precaution but I would go out and buy it.
  8. You woke up this morning Got yourself a gun

    I'm 5 minutes from the meadowlands I know a place where she can sleep comfortable. The male clown will probably learn to do tricks for you he will be so happy. He will be able to leave the reef toilet up, play play station whenever u would be doing him a favor.
  9. Everything is forsale in Flushing Queens

    My offer is still on the table. Pm'ed u
  10. powerless

    I have a battery air pump. Come get it. Your tank is mine if u want to store stuff feel free. Rent is cheap lol
  11. Everything is forsale in Flushing Queens

    I am interested in the rock, pink tip, zoa, yellow tang and shrimp
  12. bad storm comming get ready

    They didn't call me in either not that I would go, the wife is 9 months pregnant I would never make it out the door.
  13. bad storm comming get ready

    Bergen County Nj is F-ed I estimate half the County is with out power. Every time a gust of wind comes I hear branches snapping and crashing to the floor. We easily have 6 inches of snow already. Thankfully I still have power but I'm going to need a chainsaw first thing in the morning my...
  14. free big Kenya tree stalks-

    These are nice and healthy. 1 day and it opened up nice. Thanks again.
  15. 2 tanks 4 free

    They were picked up. I do come across tanks here and there. My wife is never thrilled about it but Basically because I'm not above pulling them off the curb on garbage night. If I get anymore I'll post them.
