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Recent content by kisersoze

  1. Sigma 105mm vs Nikon 105mm Macro

    yarrrrrrrr avast mate-y
  2. Sigma 105mm vs Nikon 105mm Macro

    Yarrrrrrrrr shiver me timber
  3. Sigma 105mm vs Nikon 105mm Macro

    Yarrrrrrr. Banned> thats awful !
  4. Montipopra Movie

    thats very nice. How r the T5' ?
  5. Bryopsis

    can that lower cholesterol lol
  6. new nikon d60 pics!

    there nice can i trade
  7. Near Crash

    No not you! but the person does have 2 cats. YARRRRRRR
  8. Near Crash

    if i ask someone to hold a frag for me for a few months and ask them to give it back is it naive lol.
  9. Setting Up a QT while my DT is cycling

    its nice to have one
  10. RBTA tentacle broke off

    take it out of the tank so it does not pollute it if it dies
  11. Do you shut down skimmer while feeding?

    my skimmer is always on
  12. fish from ocean

    nice pic
  13. Rainbow Paly FS

    nice zoas
  14. Evolution of a Zeovit System

    cool setup goodluck
  15. I finally learned how to take a good shot..

    wheres my thumb drive bob1000?
