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Recent content by lsplitte

  1. raising green chromis to maturity

    I have a couple of females that regularly lay eggs on my tank walls. The eggs are very tiny. My guess is about 1/8th or less than that of a percula clownfish and about 500-700 eggs at a time. Has anyone had any success with raising this fish (green chromis)?
  2. 2 fish die

    Hello. I'm really confused here. I moved a french angel juvenile and a half moon juvenile to a new tank. I used the same rocks, sand and filters. The only new thing I did was purchase I cannister filter to replace the other filters. They were feeding well and then a couple of hours later they...
  3. high calcium levels

    I do use oceanic salt. The test kits are by red sea and salifert. Both of the kits are pretty close.
  4. high calcium levels

    My calcium levels are around 600-650ppm. I don't dose B-ionic regularly because of this. My tank is 450 gal, alkalinity stays at 3.2, sp gravity is 1.023. the only thing that I can think of is that I bought alot of fossilized base rock from florida, other than that, I have no idea. Any ideas
  5. backup generators

    can someone give me advice were to find a good deal on a generator?
  6. yellow tang vs. yellow whip

    I can't believe what I saw, but one of my yellow tangs is nipping at my gorgonian. I don't know if the fish is trying to feed off of the polyps or what, but it's starting to annoy me because the polyps will not stay out to feed. What's more aggravating is my sail fin tang is nipping also on a...
  7. gorgonian care

    I have several gorgonians from the florida keys that were collected around 3-5 ft. The polyps are not consistently open. Is this typical? They are subjected to continous strong water current and lighting and fed phytoplankton daily.
  8. gorgonian id please

    sounds like a purple sea whip.
  9. sand bed depth

    how deep does the sand bed have to be if using sugar-sized aragonite? I've heard upto 1 inch or 2 inches. Can someone help before I buy this stuff?
  10. concrete blocks

    Is it safe to use concrete blocks to help build a reef wall to place rocks on?
  11. benifits of UV sterilizers and Ozonizers

    It is a 29 gallon-reef. No external filtration, 4 power heads operated with red-sea wavemaker, 40 lbs of live rock, live sand as bottom substrate, sea clone skimmer in sump and 250-watt metal halide pendant.
  12. making base rock

    has anyone noticed the fake rock at public aquariums. I talked to one of the marine biologists in Omaha, Nebraska and he said that it was made with a fiberglass compound. Does anyone know where to buy it or DIY?
  13. benifits of UV sterilizers and Ozonizers

    Is there really any benefit between UV sterilizers or Ozonizers. Can they be used together, alone or at all.
  14. phosphate levels

    are PO4 levels tht concerning when keeping soft corals. I know it adds to microalgea growth and some soft corals can utilize it, so if you don't mind the maroon and green hair algea,so be it.
  15. withering toadstool leather

    Thanks for the comment. Will sarcophytans die from Aluminum exposure on the average, or just show signs of irritation?
