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Recent content by Ninja

  1. looking to buy strawberry shortcake frags

    +1 on the colony, lol
  2. FS: Hammer Head, Frogspawn and Duncan

    Might be interested in the fs- pics please
  3. The meaning behind your user name

    I would sneak into my first period class in HS through the window or door often (pretty much every day) without the instructor noticing ;) I was also pretty fast when it came to sports/gym
  4. my 90 going in the wall

    Very cool setup!
  5. Goodbye esv salt

    Ive been using Reef Crystals- is it really that bad?
  6. College Student's 80 Gallon Build

    New additions- this will be it for my fish. They have been doing well for the past 3 weeks. Snowflakes Helfrichis
  7. Weekend dose of HOTNESS!!

    Are these 1" frags? Lookin good
  8. LIRA Collecting Trip

    Exactly how limited is parking? 50cars?
  9. Super special (one time deals) pre-order

    Thx Dom, fish are neck breakers!
  10. Noob WTB BTA

    I will definitely wait! Thx!
  11. Super special (one time deals) pre-order

    Dom, I will pickup in Manhattan. Is there a building that you will be standing next to? I will be there around 5:30
  12. NEED ADVICE :Long Island School Districts

    Trigger come to Nassau so you would be somewhat close to us!!! lol,jk! Best of luck with the move.
  13. Super special (one time deals) pre-order

    PP'd. Thanks for answering my questions!
  14. get your generator ready!!

    I doubt we'll get hit. A cheaper option can be backup UPS.
  15. My 150 G

    Aw sucks to hear man.
