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Recent content by sanjay

  1. A request for prayers

    Just saw this thread.. yes I have been ignoring most reef related boards for the last few months. Wishing you all the strength in your fight. !! You are a fighter and will beat it. sanjay.
  2. Sharing some photos from the Reloading of the 500G

    By now most of you have heard of my disasters last year and the destruction of all my acropora in the 500G tank. I have started the restocking process since Jan 2014, and hopefully this will be the start of a new beginning. Here are some pics from the ongoing restocking.
  3. does Sanjay Joshi ever come on here?

    Paying a visit right now :D I don't frequent forums as much as I used to, and when I do MR is on the top of my list. sanjay.
  4. Ball of Snowflake Black Photons

    Unfortunately, I do not have any good pics of the Gen 2. I only raised a small batch once, and sent them off to Liveaquaria when they were still small, since I was heading out of the country for a month, and did not want to loose them. I have one pair that is currently laying eggs, but I am...
  5. Ball of Snowflake Black Photons

  6. Ball of Snowflake Black Photons

    Tank raised clownfish tend to do that, especially if they are in large numbers. I guess with being in a bare tank, they just take refuge in each other when spooked. Safety in numbers ?
  7. Ball of Snowflake Black Photons

  8. Some new fishy pictures

    Yes, that is a femininus wrasse. sanjay.
  9. Some new fishy pictures

    McCoskers Flasher wrasse, male.
  10. Some new fishy pictures

    A couple more from earlier today.
  11. Photos 2/23/13

    I have had this piece for about an year now. Its seems to come in regularly on Diver's Den as Acropora Kimbensis. I like this one a lot. In high light it gets more green, and is purple in lower light. You can see that from the shaded branches in the pic. I should frag a piece and put it lower...
  12. Photos 2/23/13

    Here are some photos I took today, while trying to enjoy a dreary cold day. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151513453145329.544615.561290328&type=1&l=fa4e37710a sanjay.
  13. Sanjay's Clowns Club

    Yes, the head markings are the same as the Gladiator that you have. This one is my fish.
  14. Sanjay's Clowns Club

    I like how some of the Midnight Black Photons have developed this black band that runs from the forehead to the mouth.
