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Recent content by Sea Serpent

  1. choice of Calcium reactor

    I have been very happy with my PM 622. Easy to set up - just about plug 'n play. My SPS corals are happy too.
  2. Queen Conch behavior

    Hi all, I have had my queen conch for about a year - maybe more. She is quite big - approx 3+ inches. In October, when I did a huge tank overhall, she buried herself too deeply in the sand and I lost track of her for a few days. I unearthed her and she was fine. My take was that she is...
  3. Is Reef Fishes Vol. 2 out in November???

    I couldn't remember the name of the publisher - thanks Skysdale . . . I did a google search and found this: http://www.microcosm-books.com/html/ComingSoon.html All three books look terrific!
  4. Is Reef Fishes Vol. 2 out in November???

    I am looking for this, too. I would love to tell my kids that this is what I want for Christmas. . . . Anyone? Sea Serpent
  5. Does this seems like a Male-Majority hobby??

    You all might be right about the idea of men doing more posting on the net ... Maybe like the video-game thing . . . It's almost all guys doing the saga-type electonic stuff . . . Me, I get bored at work and like to read the posts .. . I don't post as often but learn alot from reading...
  6. Does this seems like a Male-Majority hobby??

    When I first started posting I chose the name Sea Serpent so that nobody would know that I was a "girl". I was never taken seriously in school when I wanted to do carpentry, chemistry, and math. Even now when I tell people that I keep fish, they say "Isn't that nice" until they see the...
  7. You know your addicted when............

    You know your addicted when .. . . When you split up the bills to pay each month, YOU take the electric and water bills so your husband doesn't know how much they are . . When you don't want your husband to come with you to the LFS so he doesn't see what you buy . . and when he asks, "Is...
  8. xenia shrunk

    Hi dmanshep, I had always had trouble keeping Xenia - while everyone else was cursing its rapid spread. The problem was Alkalinity - One more thing to test for. The balance between Ph, Calcium and ALK can be tricky. If you have had a quick Alk drop, it may be the reason. They seem to be...
  9. Is there a better goby shrimp?

    Sorry, I don't have pictures - and I had break down the tank because it was in my office. The building owners would turn OFF the air at night and weekends and the temp fluctuations in the office went from 58 degrees to 92 degrees. That was just too much for a 15 gallon to compensate - even...
  10. Is there a better goby shrimp?

    Hi deskjockey - I had a randal's gobie with a tiger pistol shrimp in a 15 gallon tank in my office. What a hoot! The pistol shrimp dug, dug and dug - we called him the bull dozer! The gobie was never more than 2 inches from the shrimp at all times - he hovered in the open above the den...
  11. How do you dip your SPS?

    Hi gman2 - To answer your original question - I dip all of my sps corals before putting them in my tank. Seachem has a product called Reef Dip - it doesn't seem to be as caustic as lugols. Here's what I do for new sps corals: First, I make sure that I have about 2 gallons of SW ready to...
  12. another Cyano Question - please help

    Wade - I am using Korallith as media and I have noticed that I may need to replace it in the next few months. Maybe I'll try a diffierent brand - I have heard good things about ARM. I was not aware that this could be a source of phospates. I just sold (a few months ago) a huge black sun...
  13. another Cyano Question - please help

    Hi Wade and Newkie - thanks for the replies - I realize that I had forgotten to post my chems . . duh . . . That would help. But it gave me a reason to re-check the chems AND the sourcewater as you suggested. Also forgot to mention that I have a Precision Marine Calcium reactor going - so...
  14. another Cyano Question - please help

    Hi - my tank is having a very ugly cyano bloom - and I need help to get rid of it . . .I have gone the syphon, water change, cut back on feeding route and it still comes back in 2 days. By the end of the photoperiod everything is covered again. HELP! 72 bowfornt - over 2 years old 6 inch...
  15. Stand on Carpet, am I going crazy?

    My 72 bowfron was set up on the carpet. Not too bad as far as spills go - I put a cheap, replaceable area rug in front of it. But, it was set up only about 2 inches from the wall. Now I want to put a refugium on the back of it, but I don't have the 5 inch clearance. If the tank were on a...
