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Recent content by Surfzone

  1. Welcome to the LGBTQ+ in reefing forum

    Hello, I started reef keeping in 2004 as a Jr. in high school. I currently have a 30 gallon tank that has been set up for about a year. I'm having a bout of hair algae, but I think that I can handle it right now. I'm in the process of setting up a 60 gallon cube next to it to be an sps system...
  2. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    Matt. thanks for standing up with us.
  3. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    religion is a choice. I grew up Catholic, but I can chose to become Jewish if I wanted. I did not chose to be gay. Do you think I would willing chose to make my life harder than it needs to be. Get out of here with that. It just doesn't hold water. Right now you are being the divisive one.
  4. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    I fail to see how this hurts you in anyway
  5. Welcome to where the "others" play

    This warms my heart.
  6. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    Yes! Come chat with us everyone is welcome! You as someone who has been here a while should be glad that more people are comming here. We can learn a lot from each other. Why not embrace it? You have no idea what I have done in the hobby and I have no clue about you.
  7. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    This this right here is where. You keep going on and on trying to have the last word. Wanting someone to say, " Yeah you're right we should get rid of this.", but you fail to see anything past your nose. It has been stated before that there was a problem in another forum. This forum says, y'all...
  8. Discussion on this subforums necessity

    I honestly forgot I had an account here lol. I will be posting here more often now. I would like to thank everyone who are supporting those of us who feel a bit left out and let down.
  9. Concerning Tangs

    It must be just be but in the past few weeks i'v been comming across alot about tangs. I'm not sure why when i'v been looking for info on dwarf angels. Anyway i thought i may give a bit of help to all who are thinking of getting a tang. First off let me start off by saying that i am not an...
  10. diffrences in Harlequin shrimp

    what's the diffrence in teh 2 harlequin shrimp species... Hymenocera picta and Hymenocera elegans ?
