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Recent content by tikki50

  1. Removing centre brace on tank?

    I have a 42 gal 36x12x22 and I plan on removing the brace. It can't possibly be doing anything since its bowed upward and not pulled tight. My glass is pretty thin maybe 3/8". I have heard you should have thicker glass to do this but then again I do plan on reinforcing it with a canopy.
  2. skimmer

    With a tank that size your bio load is very light. I run a remora on my 43 and I have 4 fish and still cannot produce much skimmate which is fine because my water parameters are great. I wouldnt worry about it just yet. Just let it run. Do you put your hands in the tank alot? Oil off your hands...
  3. Do I have the dreaded skimmer?

    Get a GOOD skimmer this time. I have a remora aqua c and I dont really care for it. Its on a 43 gal and it cant produce 1 cup of skimmate in 2 weeks. Personally I would go with an in sump version, maybe the aqua c 180 or something. I think with skimmers bigger is always better.
  4. Tired of Cyano, what should I use?

    It was suggested to me to use special blend to help battle cyno. I just added the stuff yesterday. No water changes no nothing. The only thing I did was removed my carbon. All special blend contains is bacteria basically to start the cycle of a tank, but from what other members told me is that...
  5. If my pump Mag9.5 pulls all of the water out of the sump...

    I was planning on getting a mag 9.5 and wanted to ask you some questions. What size is your overflow box rated for? What size return line are you using ¾" or 1"? What size tank is it running on? I only have a 43 with a 20 sump/fuge. So I would have to throttle it back to only 600 gph or so. I do...
  6. Xenia

    Yes once aquacultrued it grows fast I have 3 stalks in one month all from a frag. I kow have to place rock rubble around them so they dont continue to spread. It was the frist softyI put in my tank. I suggest making sure they are healthy before purchasing them from the LFS. Then when you...
  7. recommended refugium size

    I have a 40 gal with a 20 gal fuge/sump works good.
  8. skimmer?

    go with the pro it comes with a mag and for an extra few bucks you get twice the skimmer.
  9. Ricordia mushrooms excreting something

    most muchrooms do this while acclimating to an environment its a display of shock. Usually they are fine but something sure makes them sick
  10. Coraline algae groth??

    I just monitor my levels and keep accordingly I also add idodie and use seachem products. Reef complete, reef plus, reef builder, reef calcium, reef advantage, and phosban. Only been setup now for 3 months and half the rock I put in the tank was dead (no life) and now is covered, Im happy with...
  11. Hermit Crabs eating coral

    some brine shrimp. Mine appear to eat my coral but they steal the Cyclo-eeze right from the polyps, those little bastards! Whne I put a new rock in the tank maybe with some coral attached to it, they pick over it right away. I do feed them but no that much. I have blue legged and red legged...
  12. Help! What happened?

    Give it a few days and if the coral doesnt open by then you have a problem. Other than that I wouldnt worry about it.
  13. White spots

    calcium deposits maybe. I know I get baby feather dusters growing on the indside of the tank a lot too. Couold be eithe rof those. Look for a read tip some where and that will tell you if they are alive. - BTW make sure they are not pods either, these actually move.
  14. Too much Phosphate, corals dying - Need Help!

    I use the sea chem brand and it works great.
  15. coraline algea turning white?

    Have you changed your lighting at all? I have just witnessed the same thing. I added some corals and had to increase my lighting for only 4 hours to 10 and its totally bleaching out my coralline. Mostly the lighter colored coralline. I would guess your seeing little white specs all over it less...
