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Freehold NJ
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Hi Everybody. I have an Oceanic tank that measures 20x18x20 and I am in need of a lighting recommendation. I plan to start off with zoas and acans. Later I would like to add some SPS and LPS as well. I was looking at the Marineland Reef LED light fixture, but I honestly don't know what to get. So please let me know what you guys think. Thanks.


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IMO marineland LEDs are garbage. If you really want nice LEDs I would go with either 1 ai sol or 1 ecotech radion or even acan lighting. It all really depends on your budget. I have LEDs but I miss my t5s so you might want to consider that because it's such a small area to light. A small t5 fixture would be a whole lot cheaper then LEDs and the color spectrum is a lot nicer.
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I have a jbj unibody LED on my 10 gallon and the light is 52W so ike not sure its that's enough for your tank though

If the light comes with lens, at 60 degree or less, you are burning your corals.
In a 6G tank, I can produce about 250+ par with only less than 18W using LED.

Even if it does not, it should still be a lot light for so short a tank.

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