Hi All,
I wanted to see if I could find a happy home for my animals. I am moving to Texas to go to school and I don't want to put them through the stress of a three day travel. I am posting here because it is more important that they find a good home than I get back what I paid for the little guys. Most of the animals have already gone through the trauma of living with a beginning reefer and I would like to avoid making them go through the shock of the LFS and then a new owner. So if anyone is interested or has a little extra room in their tank these guys let me know. I will accept what you can afford to pay, like I said it is much more important that they find a happy home. Anyway here is my current family with some pics.
90gal corner tank. Very cool looking imho, but a pain in the butt to clean
Some hairy mushrooms
Brain coral
my fiesty tomato clown, he had great personality!
5 green chromis (I call them the peanut gallery)
Pulsing Xena and a Banghaii cardinal
Rose Bubble Tip Anenomea (currently recovering from heat exhaustion)
bubble coral
I have:
1 tomato clown
1 Banghaii Cardinal
5 Green Chromis
1 electric blue hermit crab
1 red leg hermit crab
rose BTA
hairy mushroom
pulsing xena
blue mushrooms (not pictured)
green brain coral
bubble coral
I am also getting rid of the live sand, live rock, and macro algae if anyone is interested. Thanks for letting me take up a bit of your space email me if you have any questions or comments. Also, can anyone reccomend a good LFS in Austin ?
I wanted to see if I could find a happy home for my animals. I am moving to Texas to go to school and I don't want to put them through the stress of a three day travel. I am posting here because it is more important that they find a good home than I get back what I paid for the little guys. Most of the animals have already gone through the trauma of living with a beginning reefer and I would like to avoid making them go through the shock of the LFS and then a new owner. So if anyone is interested or has a little extra room in their tank these guys let me know. I will accept what you can afford to pay, like I said it is much more important that they find a happy home. Anyway here is my current family with some pics.
90gal corner tank. Very cool looking imho, but a pain in the butt to clean
Some hairy mushrooms
Brain coral
my fiesty tomato clown, he had great personality!
5 green chromis (I call them the peanut gallery)
Pulsing Xena and a Banghaii cardinal
Rose Bubble Tip Anenomea (currently recovering from heat exhaustion)
bubble coral
I have:
1 tomato clown
1 Banghaii Cardinal
5 Green Chromis
1 electric blue hermit crab
1 red leg hermit crab
rose BTA
hairy mushroom
pulsing xena
blue mushrooms (not pictured)
green brain coral
bubble coral
I am also getting rid of the live sand, live rock, and macro algae if anyone is interested. Thanks for letting me take up a bit of your space email me if you have any questions or comments. Also, can anyone reccomend a good LFS in Austin ?